Dyma destun mawr a melys

Dyma destun mawr a melys,
  Yn ardaloedd nefoedd wen, -
Duw-a-dyn yn d'we'yd, "Gorphenwyd,"
  Dan yr hoelion ar y pren;
Ennillodd Iesu'r fuddugoliaeth,
  Do, ar uffern ange' a'r bedd,
Adgyfododd yn Gongcwerwr,
  Aeth i mewn i wlad yr hedd!

Bellach Sion, gwisg dy arfau,
  Mae trysorau gras yn llawn;
Byddwn gedyrn yn y rhyfel,
  Tra parhâo'n byr brydnhawn;
Y mae'r boreu hyfryd tawel,
  Rhannu'r yspail, sydd gerllaw,
Ni gawn seinio, "Buddugoliaeth!"
  Cyn bo hir yr ochr draw.
Caniadau Sion 1827

[Mesur: 8787D]

("It is finished")
Here is a great and sweet theme,
  In the regions of bright heaven, -
God-and-man saying, "It is finished,"
  Under the nails on the tree;
Jesus won the victory,
  Yes, over hell, death and the grave,
He rose again as Conqueror,
  He went into the land of peace!

Henceforth, Zion, wear thy weapons,
  The treasures of grace are full;
Let us be firm in the war,
  While it continues as a short evening;
The delightful, quiet morning is
  Sharing the spoils, which is at hand
We may sound, "Victory!"
  Before long on yonder side.
tr. 2021 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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