Dyma f'Arweinydd i a'm Duw, Dyma'r un gara i trwi byw; Ni flina i garu tra'nwy chwyth, Er caru i dragwyddoldeb fyth. Pan syrthio'r ser fel ffigys îr, Pan berwo'r môr, pan losgo'r tir, Pan droer yr haul a'r lloer yn ddu, Pryd hyn mi gara Mhrynwr cu. Doed fel y del, mi cara o hyd, Dan bob rhyw drallod yn y byd, Yn nydd y farn, yn angau chwyth, Mi cara yn y nefoedd byth. Fe rwyma fy ngelynion fyth, F'au tawl i'r pydew dwfn byth: Fe'm dwg i'n ddiddig yn ei law O orsedd barn i'r nefoedd draw. Er temtasiynau filoedd myrdd, Caf delyn aur a phalmwydd gwyrdd; A gwisgo'n gyson goron gun, Rhoiff ar fy mhen a'i law ei hun.William Williams 1717-91 Aleluia 1749 [Mesur: MH 8888] gwelir: Rhan I - Nid oes un gwrthddrych yn y byd Rhan II/III - Efe yw'r seren siriol sy |
Here is my Leader and my God, Here is the one I shall love while I live; I shall not weary of loving him while there be breath in me, Though loving to eternity forever. When the stars fall like fresh figs, When the sea boils, when the land burns, When the sun and the moon are turned black, Then I shall love my dear Redeemer. Come what may, I shall love always, Under every kind of trouble in the world, In the day of judgment, in breath's death, I shall love in heaven forever. He shall bind my enemies forever, He shall fling them into the deep pit forever: He shall bring me contentedly with his hand From the seat of judgment to yonder heaven. Despite thousands of myriads of temptations, I shall get a golden harp and green palms; And wear constantly a dear crown, He shall put it on my head with his own hand.tr. 2021 Richard B Gillion |
He is my Leader and my Guide That ever faithful will abide. Better in Miseries and Pain Than Worlds of Men, and Worlds again. Him would I love with all my Might, My only Pleasure and Delight; Even He below, and He above Shall be the Treasure of my Love. Happy I am and ever blest, The while it harbours in my Breast; Nor can the Cherubims above Perceive the Treasures of his Love. The Tongues of Martyrs, did they trace The boundless Ocean of his Grace, Cannot in endless Verse or Prose His conq'ring Grace and Love disclose. O may I taste O! may I prove, And relish Nothing but his Love! All that his glorious Person know, Acclaim He is the All below.tr. William Williams 1717-91 Hosanna to the Son of David 1759 see: No object here of any kind |