Dyrchafwn fawl a chân

(Mawl am yr Iachawdwriaeth)
  Dyrchafwn fawl a chân,
    Daeth Crist o'r bedd yn fyw;
  Fry ar ei orsedd lân,
    Teyrn ac Offeiriad yw:
Ei nawdd o'r nef,
      a'i heddwch gwiw,
A ddyry Ef i'r euog fyw.

  Gwrandawn ar air ei ras -
    Trwy wrando byddwn byw;
  Cawn wledd o nefol flas,
    A hedd yn nheyrnas Dduw;
Trwy'r gair heb goll,
      a'i rymus lef,
Ei ddefaid oll a eilw Ef.

  Pan ddaw y saint yn rhydd
    O rwymau angeu'n fyw!
  Gorfoledd bythol fydd
    Yn Seion, Dinas Duw!
Llu'r nefoedd lân, ar lawen lef,
A pheraidd gân a'i molant Ef.
Llawlyfr Moliant 1890

Tonau [666688]:
Beverley (The Psalms of David 1791)
Waterstock (John Goss 1800-80)

(Praise for Salvation)
  Let us raise praise and a song,
    Christ came from the grave alive;
  Up on his holy throne,
    Ruler and Priest he is:
His protection from heaven,
      and his worthy peace,
He gives for the guilty to live.

  Let us listen to the word of his grace -
    Through listening let us live;
  We may get a feast of a heavenly taste,
    And peace in the kingdom of God;
Through the word without loss,
      and his powerful cry,
All his sheep he shall call.

  The the saints come free
    From the bonds of death alive,
  There shall be everlasting jubilation
    In Zion, the city of God!
The host of holy heaven, with a joyful cry,
And a sweet song shall praise him.
tr. 2021 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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