Dywed i mi addfwyn Iesu

Dywed i mi, addfwyn Iesu,
  Pryd y derfydd cario'r groes,
Pryd caf ddod i blith y dyrfa,
  Sy'n dy foli ddydd a nos?

Dyma weithiau yw fy hiraeth,
  Yn yr anial ar fy nhaith,
Os rhoi di gynorthwy i mi,
  Cei y clod
      dros oesoedd maith.
Lot Hughes 1787-1873
Llyfr Emynau David Davies 1811

[Mesur: 8787]

Tell me, gentle Jesus,
  When shall carrying the cross end,
When may I come amongst the throng,
  Who are praising day and night?

Here sometimes is my longing,
  In the desert on my journey,
If thou givest help to me,
  Thou shalt have the acclaim
      over vast ages.
tr. 2022 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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