Dacw gartref yn y golwg

Land ahead its fruits are waving

(Hyfryd dy fy Nhad)
Dacw gartref yn y golwg,
  Dacw fryniau'r Ganaan wlad,
Dacw'r hafan, dacw'r porthladd,
  Dacw hyfryd dy fy Nhad.

    Stormydd blin nid ofnaf mwy,
    Wedi dianc drwyddynt hwy:
      Bwrw angor, hyfryd waith,
      Wedi cyrhaedd pen fy nhaith.

Etto enyd! 'rwyf yn nesu,
  'Rwyf yn nesu at y wlad;
'Rwyf yn clywed swn y canu,
  Swn y canu'n
      nhy fy Nhad.

Bwrw angor, bwrw angor,
  Yn yr hafan dawel hon;
Dyna'r nefol dir yn gorwedd
  Gyda heulog fin y dòn.

Dyma'r porthladd, dyma'r hafan,
  Dyma dawel hyfryd fan;
Dyma fythol ddiogelwch,
  Yn nhawelwch nefol lan.
cyf. Watkin Hezekiah Williams (Watcyn Wyn) 1844-1905

Tôn [8787+7777]: Hyfryd dy fy Nhad / Safe Within the Vail
  (John Miller Evans 1825-92)

(Delightful house of my Father)
Yonder is home in view,
  Yonder the hills of the Canaan country,
Yonder the haven, yonder the harbour,
  Yonder the delightful house of my Father.

    Grievous storms I will fear no more,
    Having escaped through them:
      Casting an anchor, delightful work,
      Having reached my journey's end.

Another moment! I am nearing,
  I am nearing the land;
I am hearing the sound of singing,
  The sound of the singing in
      my Father's house.

Casting an anchor, casting an anchor,
  In this quiet haven;
There is the heavenly land lying
  With the sunny edge of the wave.

Here is the harbour, here is the haven,
  Here is a quiet, delightful place;
Here is an everlasting safety,
  In the quiet of a heavenly shore.
tr. 2015 Richard B Gillion
(Safe Within the Vail)
"Land ahead!" Its fruits are waving
  O'er the hills of fadeless green;
And the living waters laving
  Shores where heav'nly forms are seen.

    Rocks and storms I'll fear no more,
    When on that eternal shore;
      Drop the anchor! Furl the sail!
      I am safe within the vail!

Onward, bark! the cape I'm rounding;
  See the blessed wave their hands;
Hear the harps of God resounding
  From the bright
      immortal bands.

There, let go the anchor, riding
  On this calm and silv'ry bay;
Seaward fast the tide is gliding,
  Shores in sunlight stretch away.

Now we're safe from all temptation,
  All the storms of life are past;
Praise the Rock of our salvation,
  We are safe at home at last!
1869 Rev E Adams

Tune [8787+7777]: Safe Within the Vail
    (John Miller Evans 1825-92)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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