Darostwng ein Tad deuluoedd y wlad

Darostwng ein Tad,
    deuluoedd y wlad,
  I gredu'r Efengyl,
    er syml lesad;
Fel byddo i bob rhyw
    gael dewis gair Duw,
  A'i gym'ryd yn rhëol
      wirfoddol i lyw.

Mae'r amser yn nesu
    bydd canu'n mbob cell,
  Pan ddelo'r Iuddewon o Babilon bell,
Fe ddaw yr Iuddewon yn rhyddion bob rhyw,
  I addef a chredu
      fod Iesu'n Fab Duw.

O danfon bysgodwyr a helwyr o hyd,
  I ddwyn o'u llochesau
      dy berlau drwy'r byd;
Dwg lawer i'r golwg yn amlwg i ni,
  O'r rhai sydd o roddiad
      y Tad genyt ti.

O dyro drugaredd mewn hedd i'w mwynhau,
  I blant yr Iuddewon,
      i'w llwyrion wellhau;
A'u dwyn o'u tywyllwch,
    eu c'ledwch, a'u clwy,
  Nad allont annghredu
      am Iesu byth mwy.

O danfon dy weision yn dirion, O Dad,
  A gair y gwirionedd
      fel gwledd i bob gwlad;
Fel caffo teuluoedd cenhedloedd cyn hir,
  Yn fuan, gael clywed
      a gweled y gwir.
Edward Jones 1761-1836


Humble, our Father,
    the families of the land,
  To believe the gospel,
      for the sake of simple relief;
That every kind 
    get to choose the word of God,
  And take it as a voluntary
      rule for living.

The time is drawing near when
    there shall be singing in every cell,
  When the Jews come from distant Babilon,
The Jews shall come free every kind,
  To confess and believe
      that Jesus is the Son of God.

O send fishers and gatherers always,
  To bring from their refuges
      thy pearls throughout the world;
Lead many to view obvious to us,
  From those who are of the Father's
      gift to thee.

O grant mercy in peace to enjoy it,
  To the children of the Jews,
      completely to make them better;
And bring them from their darkness,
    their hardness, and their wound,
  That they may never more
      be unbelieving about Jesus.

O send thy servants tenderly, O Father,
  And the word of truth
      like a sword to every land;
That a family of nations may soon be found,
  Quickly, to get to hear
      and see the truth.
tr. 2020 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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