Ddilynwyr Crist deffrowch deffrowch

(Taeniad yr Efengyl)
Ddilynwyr Crist, deffrowch, deffrowch!
I anfon yr efengyl, dowch:
  Rhowch, rhowch o'ch da,
          a chodwch gri,
  O doed, O doed, y Iubili!

    Henffych, henffych, fore tirion,
    Pan bo'r hollfyd o un galon,
    Yn moliannu Brenin Sïon;
    Haleluiah, Haleluiah,
            Haleluiah, Amen!

Y fagddu fawr
        yn fuan ffy;
Mae'r wawr ar dori oddi fry;
  Y duwiau mân, dyfethir hwy,
  A neb ond Iesu'n Arglwydd mwy.

    Henffych, henffych, &c.

Y nefol anthem, nefol lef,
Cyn hir a glywir dan y nef;
  Can's holl deyrnasoedd daear lawr,
  A ant yn eiddo
          Iesu mawr.

    Henffych, henffych, &c.

Hyfyrdol gân y Iubili
A seinir dros ein daear ni:
  Pob lle, pob iaith,
          pob llwyth, pob lliw,
  Yn cyd dderchafu Iesu gwiw.

    Henffych, henffych, &c.
Y Caniadydd 1841

Tôn [MH+ 8888+888.14]: Liston
    (John D Edwards 1805-85)

(The Spread of the Gospel)
Followers of Christ, awake, awake!
To send the gospel, come ye:
  Give, give of your goods,
          and raise a cry,
  O may, O may the Jubilee come!

    Hail, hail, tender morning,
    When the whole world be of one heart,
    Praising the King of Zion;
    Hallelujah, hallelujah,
            hallelujah, Amen!

The great pitch-blackness
        shall quickly flee;
The dawn in about to break from above;
  The small gods, they shall be destroyed,
  With none but Jesus as Lord evermore.

    Hail, hail, &c.

The heavenly anthem, a heavenly call,
Before long shall be heard under heaven;
  Sins all the kingdoms of earth below,
  Shall become the possession
          of great Jesus.

    Hail, hail, &c.

The delightful song of the Jubilee
Shall be sounded across our earth:
  Every place, every language,
          every tribe, every colour,
  Exalting together worthy Jesus.

    Hail, hail, &c.
tr. 2023 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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