Dduw mawr a ymostyngi di?

Great God and wilt thou condescend?

(Y Duw mawr yn Dad i blentyn bach)
Dduw mawr! a ymostyngi Di
I fod yn Dad a Ffrynd i mi?
  I mi, wyf blentyn tlawd a gwan,
  A Thithau'n Arglwydd yn mhob man?

I mi yn Dad! wrandewi Di
Ar weddi un mor wael a fi?
  Tydi'n y nef gei
      fawl y saint,
  Gaf finnau uno yn y fraint?

Tydi yn Dad i mi! gaf fi
Fod i Ti'n ufydd blentyn cu?
  Gaf fi mewn gair a gwaith yn glau
  Dy wasanaethu a'th foddhau?

Tydi yn Dad! mor hyfryd yw
Cael bod dan ofal
    Ffrynd fel Duw!
  F'ad-daliad innau am y rhodd
  Fydd byw i ymddwyn
      wrth Dy fodd.

Tydi yn Dad i mi! Dduw mawr,
Pan ddaw i ben fy olaf awr,
  I'r nefoedd atat cymer fi,
  I fod yn blentyn gwell i Ti.
cyf. David Adams (Hawen) 1845-1923

Tôn [MH 8888]: Brynteg (John A Lloyd 1815-74)

(The great God as Father to a little child)
Great God! wilt thou humble thyself
To be a Father and a Friend to me?
  To I, who am a poor and weak child,
  Whereas thou Lord of every place?

To me as Father! wilt thou listen
To the prayer of one as lowly as I?
  Thou in heaven dost get
      the prayers of the saints,
  Shall I join in the same privilege?

Thou as Father to me! shall I get
To be to thee a dear obedient child?
  Shall I get in word and work quickly
  To serve thee and please thee?

Thou as Father! how delightful it is
To get to be under the care
    of a Friend like God!
  My own repayment for the gift
  Shall be to live and behave
      for thy pleasure.

Thou as a Father to me! great God,
When my last hour comes to pass,
  To heaven take me to thyself,
  To be a better child to thee.
tr. 2020 Richard B Gillion
Great God! and wilt Thou condescend
To be my father and my friend?
  I but a child—and Thou so high,
  The Lord of earth and air and sky!

Art Thou my father? Canst Thou bear
To hear my poor imperfect prayer?
  Or stoop to listen
     to the praise
  That such a little one can raise?

Art Thou my father? Let me be
A meek, obedient child to Thee;
  And try, in word and deed and thought,
  To serve and please Thee as I ought.

Art Thou my father? I’ll depend
Upon the care
    of such a friend;
  And only wish to do and be
  Whatever seemeth
      good to Thee.

Art Thou my father? Then, at last,
When all my days on earth are past,
  Send down, and take me, in Thy love,
  To be Thy better child above.
Ann Taylor Gilbert 1782-1866
Hymns for Infant Minds 1810

Tunes [LM 8888]:
Deventer (Berthold Tours 1838-97)
Hamburg (Lowell Mason 1792-1872)
Holley (George Hews 1806-73)
Mainzer (Joseph Mainzer 1801-51)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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