Dedwydd tu hwnt darluniad yw

("Ei ffyrdd hi sydd ffyrdd hyfrydwch.")
Dedwydd tu hwnt darluniad yw,
Yr hwn yn llwybrau sanctaidd Duw,
  Sydd yn hyfrydu bod:
Ei ffyrdd 'ynt ffyrdd hyfrydwch pur,
Yn ngwyneb trymaf, garwaf gur,
  Nef ydynt is y rhod.

Pe byddai i'm fath wynfyd mawr,
Gadaŵn wag deganau'r llawr,
  A llwyr ddirmygiad llawn.
Llawen heb boen fai'm
    taith trwy'r byd,
A'm golwg ar y nef o hyd,
  Dan ganu at Dduw yr awn.
David Griffith (Clwydfardd) 1800-94

Tôn [886D]: Canaan (Leach)

("Her ways are the ways of delight.")
Happy beyond describing is,
He in the sacred paths of God,
  Who delights to be:
His ways are the ways of pure delight,
In the face of the heaviest, roughest blow,
  Heaven they are below the sky.

If I had such a great blessedness,
I would leave the vain trinkets of the earth,
  With complete utter contempt.
Joyful without pain would be my
    journey through the world,
And my gaze upon heaven always,
  While singing to God I would go.
tr. 2024 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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