Diderfyn ydyw gallu Duw

(Gwaith y Creawdwr)
Diderfyn ydyw gallu Duw,
  A rhyfedd yw ei waith,
Yn y dechreuad Ef a wnaeth
  Y greadigaeth faith.

Efe a wnaeth yr wybren glir
  Yn rhwydd a thir a môr;
Pob llwch, pob defnyn yr un wedd
  A wnaed gan fysedd Iôr.

Anian ac amser wnaed gan Iôn,
  A'u holl olwynion hwy;
Efe a ffyrfiodd i bob rhai
  Derfynau nad ânt trwy.

Tra byddo byd ac awyr las,
  Fy enaid mawl yr Iôn;
Ond creadigaeth newydd gras
  A gaiff bereiddiach dôn.
Roger Edwards 1811-86

[Mesur: MC 8686]

(The Work of the Creator)
Endless is the power of God,
  And wonderful is his work,
In the beginning He made
  The vast creation.

It is he who made the clear sky
  readily, and land and sea;
All dust, all material in one manner
  Was made by the fingers of the Lord.

Nature and time made by the Lord,
  And all their wheels;
He it was who formed for all those
  Boundaries they would not go through.

While ever there be a world and blue sky,
  My soul praise the Lord;
But the new creation of grace
  Shall get the sweeter tune.
tr. 2015 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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