Disgyblion yr Iesu

Disgyblion yr Iesu!
    pan safwn yn segur?
  I weithio y'n gelwir,
      mae'r dydd yn hwyrhau;
A'r nos sydd yn nesu
    pan na allwn weithio,
  A'n Harglwydd sy'n galw,
      a gawn ni nachau?

  Y maes yw y byd,
      y maes yw y byd,
    Lle cesglir cynhauaf y nef,
  A medelwyr ein Duw
      lawenfloeddiant wrth ddod,
    A daw'n Harglwyd â'r tâl gydag Ef.      

Y maes yw y byd,
    mae ein gwaith wedi'i nodi -
  Sancteiddio'n cyd-ddynion
      i fwyniant y ne:
Yn agos neu mhell,
    yn y bwthyn neu'r palas,
  P'le bynnag ceir cyfle,
      fan honno mae'n lle.

Fe allai'n hanfonir
    i'r prif ffyrdd a'r caeau,
  I gymmell y tlodion
      newynog a blin:
Os hyn yw'n dyledswydd,
    ai ni wnawn ein goreu
  I'w hachub, a'u harwain
      at Iesu Ei hun?
cyf. David Adams (Hawen) 1845-1923

Tôn []:
  Disgyblion yr Iesu (<1899)

Disciples of Jesus!
    why do we stand idle?
  To work we are called,
      the day is getting late;
And the night is approaching
    when we cannot work,
  And our Lord is calling us,
      and do we get to refuse?

  The field is the world,
      the field is the world,
    Where heaven's harvest is collected,
  And the reapers of our God
      rejoice as they come,
    And our Lord brings the reward with Him.

The field is the world,
    our work has been appointed -
  Sanctifying our fellow-men
      to the enjoyment of heaven:
Near or far,
    in the cottage or the palace,
  Wherever opportunity is found,
       there is our place.

We can be sent
    to the highways and the fields,
  To compel the poor
      hungry and weary:
If this is our duty,
    will we not do our best
  To save, and to lead
      to Jesus Himself?
tr. 2010 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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