Disgyn, Arglwydd, o'r uchelion, Bro'r goleuni dwyfol pur; Disgyn i dywyllwch daear Sydd yn ochain yn ei chur; O! tywynned Haul Cyfiawnder ar bob gwlad. Ti, ein Tad, yr Hwn a luniodd Heuliau'r eangherau mawr, Rho i'th blant, yn nos yr anial, Lewyrch hyfryd blaen y wawr; O! disgleiria Trwy dy eglwys yn y byd. Os gorchuddiwyd gwedd yr Iesu Gan dywyllwch ar y Groes, Llosgodd fflam ei ddwyfol gariad Hyd eithafion byd a'i loes; Dyma'r golau Nad yw'n machlud yn yr hwyr.D J Morgan 1876-1950
Tôn [878747]: |
Descend, Lord, from the heights, The vale of the pure divine light; Descend to the darkness of earth Which is groaning in its pain; O let the Sun Of righteousness shine on every land. Thou, our Father, art he who designed The suns of the great expanses, Give to thy children, in the night of the desert, The gleam of the delightful breaking dawn; O shine Through thy church in the world. If the countenance of Jesus was covered By darkness on the cross, The flame of hi divine love burned To the extremities of the world and its anguish; Here is the light That is not setting in the evening.tr. 2021 Richard B Gillion |