Dydd y farn dydd rhyfeddodau

Day of judgment Day of wonders

1,2,3,4,5,6;  1,3,(5).
(Dydd y farn a'r adgyfodiad)
Dydd y farn, dydd rhyfeddodau,
  Clywir sain
        yr udgorn mawr;
Uwch nâ deng mil o daranau,
  Cryna'r holl gre'digaeth fawr!
    Tery dychryn,
  Galon euog dyn yn awr.

Wele'r Barnwr yn ein natur,
  Gwisgo mae fawrhydi gwiw;
Chwi sy'n dysgwyl Crist er cysur,
  Yno d'wedwch, Dyma'n Duw!
    Iesu grasol,
  Arddel fi'r dydd hwnw'n fyw.

Ar ei alwad deffry'r meirw,
  Codant oll o fôr a thir;
Cryna'r byd y diwrnod hwnw,
  Er ei fod yn gryf yn hir;
  Beth a dâl fod
        heb y gwir?

Ofn tu hwnt i bob amgyffred,
  Yno ddeil dy galon wan,
Tan y ddedryd ti gei glywed,
  "Ewch oddiwrthyf," yn y man;
    Gyda satan,
  A'i angelion bydd dy ran.

Ond y rhai gyffesodd Iesu,
  Ac a'u carodd yn y byd,
Crist a ddywed y pryd hyny,
  "Deuwch chwi i'r deyrnas glyd;
    Yn dragywydd,
  Gwleddwch ar y cariad drud."

Tàn y gwawd a'r gw'radwyddadau
  Rhoddwn glod i'r Iesu glân,
Dydd ein Duw a ddaw yn ddiau,
  Try ein galar yno'n gân;
  Pan fo'r byd yn ulw mân.
Ond y rhai gyffesodd :: Wrth y rhai gyffesodd

cyf. John Richard Jones 1765-1822
Diferion y Cyssegr 1807

Tonau [878747]:
Ardudwy (John Roberts 1822-77)
Argoed (John Gabriel 1844-1913)
Calfari (Samuel Stanley 1767-1822)
Catherine (David Roberts 1820-72)
Regent Square (Henry Smart 1813-79)

gwelir: Wele'r Barnwr yn ei natur

(The day of the judgment and the resurrection)
The day of the judgment, a day of wonders,
  The sound will be heard
        of the great trumpet
Louder than ten thousand thunders,
  All the great creation shall tremble!
    Terror shall strike
  The guilty heart of man now.

See the Judge in our nature,
  Wearing he is worthy majesty;
Ye who awaiting Christ for comfort,
  Then ye shall say, Behold our God!
    Gracious Jesus,
  Own me on that day alive.

At his call the dead shall awake,
  All shall rise from sea and land;
The world shall tremble on that day,
  Although being strong so long;
  What shall keep thee being
        without the truth?

Fear beyond every grasp,
  Then shall hold thy weak heart,
Under the sentence that shalt get to hear,
  "Go away from me," soon;
    With Satan,
  And his angels shall be thy portion.

But those who confessed Jesus,
  And whom he loved in the world,
Christ shall say at that time,
  "Come ye into the secure kingdom;
  Feast ye on the precious love."

Under the scorn and the mockings
  Let us render praise to the holy Jesus,
The day of our God shall doubtless come,
  Our lamenting shall then turn into song;
    We shall rejoice,
  When the world becomes fine ashes.
But those who confessed :: To those who confessed

tr. 2018 Richard B Gillion

The Day of Judgment
Day of judgment! Day of wonders!
  Hark! the trumpet's
        awful sound,
Louder than a thousand thunders,
  Shakes the vast creation round.
    How the summons
  Will the sinner's heart confound!

See the Judge, our nature wearing,
  Clothed in majesty divine;
You who long for his appearing
  Then shall say, "This God is mine!"
    Gracious Savior,
  Own me in that day as thine.

At his call the dead awaken,
  Rise to life from earth and sea;
All the pow'rs of nature, shaken
  B his looks, prepare to flee.
    Careless sinner,
  What will then
        become of thee?

Horrors, past imagination,
  Will surprise your trembling heart,
When you hear your condemnation,
  Hence, accursèd wretch, depart!
    Thou, with Satan
  And his angels, have thy part!

But to those who have confessed,
  loved and served the Lord below,
He will say, "Come near, ye blessed,
  See the kingdom I bestow;
    You forever
  Shall my love and glory know."

Under sorrows and reproaches,
  May this thought your courage raise!
Swiftly God’s great day approaches,
  Sighs shall then be changed to praise.
    We shall triumph
  When the world is in a blaze.

John Newton 1725-1807
Olney Hymns 1774

Tunes [878747]:
Brest (Lowell Mason 1792-1872)
Coronae (1871 William H Monk 1823-89)
Eton (Joseph Barnby 1838-96)
Lauda Anima (John Goss 1800-80)
Kelvedon (William Blow 1819-86)
St Austin (Bristol Tune Book 1876)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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