Dygir gyda'r awel bêr

(Awn hyd Fethlehem)
Dygir gyda'r awel bêr
Nodau cân o blith y sêr;
  Deffro, f'enaid, llawenha,
  Gwrando y newyddion da,
Bloeddiwch drwy Jerwsalem,
Crist a ddaeth i Fethlehem,
  Taenwch y newyddion llon
  Hyd derfynau daear gron.

Gorfoledda, Isräel,
Wele'th Dduw, Emanŵel!
  Chwiliaist ti orseddau'r byd,
  Baban yw efe mewn crud;
Dwed dy femrwn na fydd llef
Yn yr heol pan ddaw ef,
  A phan ddêl i'r ddinas gâr,
  Daw ar ebol asen wâr.

Paid â'i wrthod, Brenin yw,
Tecaf oll o ddynol-ryw!
  Ceidwad, dy Waredydd cu,
  Gwêl dy ofid, lleddfa'th gri;
Dinas y proffwydi hy,
Dinas y brenhinoedd cry',
  Dyma y Meseia, clyw,
  Dyma'th ddyn, a dyma'th Dduw.

Dacw'r bobl bell yn dod,
Darllenasant hwy ei glod,
  Ar ddalennau wybren dêr,
  Yng nghyfrinion dwfn y sêr;
Na foed neb yn brudd ei drem,
Awn, O awn i Fethlehem,
  Uned daear gyda'r nef
  I roi croeso iddo ef.
John M Howel 1855-1927
Cymru'r Plant, Rhagfyr 1910.

[Mesur: 7777D]

(Let us go to Bethlehem)
Led by the sweet breeze
Notes of song amidst the stars;
  Awake, my soul, rejoice,
  Listen to the good news,
Shout ye throughout Jerusalem,
Christ has come to Bethlehem,
  Spread ye the cheerful news
  To the ends of the round earth.

Be jubilant, Israel,
See thy God, Immanuel!
  Thou didst seek the world's thrones,
  A baby is he in a crib;
Thy parchment says there will be no cry
In the street when he comes,
  And when he comes to the beloved city,
  He will come on the foal of a humble ass.

Do not reject him, a King he is,
The fairest of all human-kind!
  A Saviour, thy dear Deliverer,
  He sees thy grief, the relieves thy cry;
The city of the bold prophets,
The city of the strong kings,
  Behold the Messiah, hear,
  Behold thy man, and behold thy God.

See yonder the distant people coming,
They have read his acclaim,
  On the pages of the clear sky,
  In the deep secrets of the stars;
Let no-one be of a sad appearance,
Let us go, O let us go to Bethlehem,
  Let earth unite with heaven
  To give a welcome unto him.
tr. 2023 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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