Da i mi fod yr addewid

(Addewid Duw yn sylfaen cysur)
Da i mi fod yr addewid
  Wedi ei rhoddi gan fy Nuw,
A bod gair o enau'r nefoedd
  Uwch gelynion o bob rhyw;
    Ei addewid Ef, gadarn, gref,
  Arwain eiddil gwan i'r nef. 

Bron yr wyf a digaloni, 
  Pan y gwelwyf lwybrau cul, 
Rhwng rhyw greigiau serth dychrynllyd,
  Lle tramgwyddodd llawer mil: 
    F'enaid gwan, yn y man, 
  Ddringa etto i fynu i'r lan.

O gwna imi brofi sypiau,
  Sypiau peraidd rawn y wlad,
Blas maddeuant pur a heddwch,
  Gwleddoedd hyfryd tŷ fy Nhad:
    Dyma hwy, perlau mwy, 
  Gloddiwyd yn ei farwol glwy'.
William Williams 1717-91

Tôn [8787337]: Nuneaton (<1835)

  Aros Iesu yn y rhyfel
  Mae dy air yn abl fy harwain

(God's promise as the foundation of comfort)
Good for me that the promise
  Was given by my God,
And that a word from heaven's mouth
  Is above enemies of every kind;
    His promise, firm, strong,
  Leads the feeble week to heaven.

Almost I am losing heart,
  When I see narrow paths,
Between steep, terrible rocks,
  Where many a thousand stumbled:
    'Tis my weak soul, that soon,
  Shall climb up again.

O make me experience the clusters,
  The sweet grape-clusters of the land,
The taste of pure forgiveness and peace,
  The delightful feasts of my Father's house:
    Here they are, pearls evermore,
  Mined in his mortal wound.
tr. 2019 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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