Dacw'r Iesu llawn tosturi
Dacw'r Un sydd a thosturi

(Griddfanau y groes)
Dacw'r Iesu llawn tosturi
  Draw yn griddfan ar y groes,
Dan fawr hoen a dygyn d'w'llwch -
  T'w'llwch dudew fel y nos: 
Mil o boenau wasgodd arno,
  Eto darfu iddo'u dwyn;
Aeth i garchar gan yr angau
  Ran o dridiau er fy mwyn!

Yn nyfnderoedd grym ei boenau,
  Dan ergydion angau loes,
Fe weddiodd am faddeuant
  I fy enaid ar y groes;
Fe 'nghofleidiodd ar y croesbren,
  Rhwng y ddaear fawr a'r nen;
Do, fe 'ngharodd ac fe 'nghofiodd
  Dan yr hoelion ar y pren!
Dacw'r Iesu llawn :: Dacw'r Un sydd a

William Williams 1717-91

Tôn [8787D]: Diniweidrwydd (alaw Gymreig)

  Mae rhyw foroedd o drugaredd
  O na chlywn yr utgorn arian

(Groans of the cross)
There is Jesus full of mercy
  Yonder groaning on the cross,
Under great passion and intense darkness -
  Thick-black darkness like the night:
A thousand pains pressed upon him,
  Again they were brought against him;
He went into the dungeon by death
  A term of three days for my sake!

In the depths of the force of his pains,
  Under blows of deadly throes,
He prayed for forgiveness
  For my soul on the cross;
He embraced me on the wooden-cross,
  Between the great earth and the sky;
Yes, he loved me and he remembered me
  Under the nails on the tree!
There is Jesus full of :: There is Jesus who has

tr. 2009 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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