Daear a'i chyflawnder yw

(Salm XXIV - Pwy a esgyn i fynydd yr Arglwydd?)
Daear a'i chyflawnder yw
Eiddo'r gwir Jehofa Dduw,
  A thrigolion amal hon,
  Ef a'u pļau oll o'r bron.

Obry yn y moroedd mawr
Rhoes ei chadarn sail i lawr;
  Uwch llifeiriaint mwya'u llid
  Adeiladodd ben y byd.

Pwy a driga'n uchel fry
Gyda'r Arglwydd yn ei dy?
  Pwy, o fewn ei sanctaidd le,
  Saif ger bron gorseddfaingc Ne'?

Dyma'r dyn, - Ei law sydd lān,
Calon fedd
    fel aur o'r tān;
  Isel yw, ac hawdd ei drin,
  Ac ni thyng i dwyllo un.

Rhoddion fil roir iddo ef,
Trugareddau goreu'r nef;
  A'i gyfiawnder glān ei hun
  Y bendithia Duw y dyn.

Dyma genedl Israel Duw
Gānt ar fynydd Sļon fyw;
  O Dduw Jacob, felly bydd
  Pawb yn gwir droi attat sydd.
Casgliad o Salmau a Hymnau (Daniel Rees) 1831

[Mesur: 7777]

  Rhan II - Dyrchefwch oll eich [pennau fry / pennau'n awr]
  Yr Arglwydd bļau'r ddaear gron
  Yr Arglwydd bļau'r ddaear lawr

(Psalm 24 - Who shall ascend the mountain of the Lord?)
Earth and its fullness is
Belonging to the true Jehovah God,
  And its many inhabitants,
  He owns them all completely.

Below in the great seas
He put his firm foundations down;
  Above the most angry floods
  He built the head of the world.

Who shall climb high above
With the Lord in his house?
  Who, within his holy place,
  Shall stand before the throne of heaven?

Here is the man, - His hand is clean,
A heart he possesses
    like gold from the fire;
  Lowly he is, and easily treated,
  And he will not swear to deceive anyone.

A thousand gifts are to be given to him,
The best mercies of heaven;
  With his own pure righteousness
  God will bless the man.

Here is the nation of the Israel of God
Who will get on mount Zion to live;
  O God of Jacob, thus shall be
  All who are truly turning to thee.
tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion
1 This spacious earth is all the Lord's,
    the Lord's her fullness is.
  The world, and they that dwell therein,
    by sov'reign right are his.

2 He framed and fixed it on the seas,
    and his Almighty hand
  Upon inconstant floods has made
    the stable fabric stand.

3 But for himself this Lord of all
    one chosen seat designed;
  O! who shall to that sacred hill
    desired admittance find!

4 The man whose hands and heart are pure,
    whose thoughts
        from pride are free;
  Who honest poverty prefers
    to gainful perjury.

5 This, this is he, on whom the Lord
    shall show'r his blessings down,
  Who God his Saviour shall vouchsafe
    with righteousness to crown.

6 Such is the race of saints, by whom
    the sacred courts are trod;
  And such the proselytes that seek
    the face of Jacob's God.
N Tate & N Brady
A New Version of the Psalms of David in Metre 1696
The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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