Dal fi'n gadarn hyd pan ddelo

(Nerth yn Nuw a'i Air)
Dal fi'n gadarn hyd pan ddelo
  Amser hyfryd o ryddhau,
A chael, yn lle temtasiynau,
  Yn dragywydd dy fwynhau:
Dyna pryd - gwyn fy myd! -
Derfydd fy ngofidiau i gyd.

Ti gei'r enw, a'r anrhydedd
  A'r gogoniant, yn y man,
Am, o ddyfnder maith trueni,
  I ti wared f'enaid gwan:
Nid oedd un ond dy hun
All'sai wared aflan ddyn.

Mi âf trwy fyddinoedd cryfion
  Yr estroniaid gwaetha'u rhyw,
Ond cael gweled bod o'm hochr
  Addewidion gwir fy Nuw:
Congcro wnair, ar ei air,
Y gelynion gwaetha' a gair.
Tôn [878767]: Coblentz / Llanisan / Meine Hoffnung
    (Joachim Neander 1650-80)

gwelir: Arglwydd edrych ar bererin

(Strength in God and his Word)
Hold me firmly until the delightful
  Time of freedom come,
And I get, in place of temptations,
  Eternally to enjoy thee:
That is the time - blessed am I! -
All my griefs shall end.

Thou shalt get the name, and the honour
  And the glory, soon,
For, from the vast depths of wretchedness,
  Thy delivering of my weak soul:
There is none but thyself
Could have delivered an unclean man.

I shall go through strong armies
  Of enemies of the worst kind,
But get to see that on my side are
  The true promises of my God:
Conquered shall get, at his word,
The worst enemies there are.
tr. 2019 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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