Dan groesau o bob rhyw

(Gofal Duw)
Dan groesau o bob rhyw
  Deheulaw Duw a'n daliodd;
Ac mewn trallodion, fawr a mân,
  Â chân y'n hamgylchynodd.

Ein llwyr ddiwallu wnaeth
  Â lluniaeth a llawenydd;
Fe'n diogelodd, a ni'n wan,
  O dan ei glyd adenydd.

Mae gennym obaith llawn
  Y cawn drwy'n hoes ein cynnal;
A meddu mwyach, nos a dydd,
  Arweinydd yn yr anial.

'N ôl agor pyrth y bedd,
  I ganol hedd esgynnwn;
Ymhlith y llu, mewn nefol iaith,
  Ei fawrwaith a glodforwn.
David Lewis (Dewi Medi) 1844-1917

Tonau [MBC 6787]:
   Glasfryn (J Ambrose Lloyd 1815-74)
   Hywel (Davey Davies 1901-64)

(God's Care)
Under crosses of every kind
  The right hand of God has kept us;
And in tribulations, great and small,
  With a song surrounded us.

He satisfied us completely
  With food and joy;
He made us safe, and we weak,
  Under his cosy wings.

We have a full hope
  We may have throughout our life our support;
And possess henceforth, night and day,
  A leader in the desert.

After the opening of the portals of the grave,
  To the centre of peace we will ascend;
Amongst the throng, in a heavenly language,
  His greatness we will celebrate.
tr. 2010 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh (corrections welcome). A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.', an English translation by 'tr.'

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