Dan bwys ein bai yn dyoddef poen

(Iawn y Cyfryngwr)
Dan bwys ein bai
    yn dyoddef poen,
  Bu'r Oen ar Galfari;
Gwnaeth i gyfiawnder,
    dan ei gur,
  Iawn yn ein natur ni.

A thrwy yr Iawn,
    mae'r Ysbryd Glân,
  Yn puro'r aflan rai;
Trwy'r Iawn, bydd
    myrdd ar ben eu taith
  Yn berffaith heb un bai.

Ar sail yr Iawn,
    mae Crist ei hun
  Yr eiriol yn y nef;
Wel dyma Iawn,
    na thraetha neb
  Ei anfeidroldeb ef!

            - - - - -

Dan bwys ein bai
    yn dyoddef poen,
  Bu'r Oen ar Galfari;
Rhoes i gyfiawnder,
    dan ei gur,
  Iawn yn ein natur ni.

Ar sail yr Iawn,
    mae Crist ei hun
  Yr eiriol yn y nef;
Mae ynddo werth na thraetha neb
  Ei anfeidroldeb ef.

Trwy rīn yr Iawn,
    mae'r Ysbryd Glān,
  Yn puro'r aflan rai;
Am hwn y cān myrddiwynau 'nghyd
  Mewn gwynfyd pur didrai.

Beth dalaf am dy ddoniau gwiw,
  A'th gariad pur dilyth?
Fy hunan iti rhof, O Dduw,
  Dy eiddo fyddaf byth.
William Edwards (Gwilym Padarn) 1786-1857

Tonau [MC 8686]:
Brooklyn (W H Havergal neu L Mason)
Dryberg (Tate)
Grafton (alaw Eglwysig)
St Leonard (Henry Smart 1812-79)
St Stephen (W Jones 1726-1800)
Silesia (A Kruger / F Filitz)

(The Satisfaction of the Mediator)
Under the weight of our fault,
    suffering pain,
  The Lamb was on Calvary;
He made to righteousness,
    under his beating,
  Satisfaction in our nature.

And through the Satisfaction,
    the Holy Spirit is,
  Purifying the unclean one;
Through the Satisfaction, a myriad
    will be at their journey's end
  Perfect, without one fault.

On the basis of the Satisfaction,
    Christ himself is
  Interceding in heaven;
See, here is a Satisfaction,
    the immeasurability of which
  No-one can expound!

              - - - - -

Under the weight of our fault
    suffering pain,
  Was the Lamb on Calvary;
He gave to righteousness,
    under his beating,
  Satisfaction in our nature.

On the basis of the Satisfaction,
    is Christ himself
  Interceding in heaven;
In him is worth whose immeasurability
  No-one can expound.

Through the merit of the Satisfaction,
    the Holy Spirit is
  Purifying the unclean ones;
About this myriads sing together
  In pure unebbing blessedness.

What shall I pay for thy worthy gifts,
  And thy pure, unfailing love?
Myself to thee I give, O God,
  Thine own I shall be forever.
tr. 2014,17 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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