Dan faner wen y nef

(Y Faner Wen)
Dan faner wen y nef
  Ymdeithio 'rŷm yn nghyd,
Dyrchafwn ninau'r faner wen,
  I chwyfio dros y byd.

    Dyrchafwn, dyrchafwn,
        dyrchafwn ninau'r faner wen,
      I chwyfio dros y byd;
    Dyrchafwn, dyrchafyw,
        dyrchafwn ninau'r faner wen,
      I chwyfio dros y byd.

Diogel ydyw'r daith -
  Mae'r Brenin gyda ni,
Ymdeithiwn dan ei faner wen,
  I'r etifeddiaeth fry.

Pan unir nef a llawr
  Mewn gogoneddus gôr,
O! chwyfied byth y faner wen
  Wrth orseddfainc yr Iôr!
James Spinther James (Spinther) 1837-1914

Tôn [6686+686.686]: Y Faner Wen (D Lewis)

(The White Banner)
Under the white banner of heaven
  Travelling we are together,
Let us lift up the white banner,
  To wave over the world.

    Let us lift, let us lift,
        let us lift the white banner,
      To wave over the world;
    Let us lift, let us lift,
        let us lift the white banner,
      To wave over the world.

Safe is the journey -
  The King is with us,
Let us travel under his white banner,
  To the inheritance above.

When heaven and earth are united
  In a glorious choir,
O let the white banner forever wave
  At the throne of the Lord!
tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion
(The White Banner)
Beneath heaven's banner white
  Together on we go;
Let us uplift our standard bright,
  That all the world may know!

    Uplift it, uplift it,
        uplift our glorious banner white,
      That all the world may know;
    Uplift it, uplift it,
        uplift our glorious banner bright,
      That all the world may know.

We safely journey on -
  Our conquering King our guid;
Forward we press beneath His flag
  Until we cross death's tide.

When heaven and earth are one -
  One glad triumphant choir,
Then will we raise before His throne
  Our palms of victory higher.
Rhys D Morgan

Tune [6686+686.686]: The White Banner (D Lewis)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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