Dan gyfyngderau mawr fy oes

(Dymuniad am nerth)
Dan gyfyngderau mawr fy oes
  Gad imi edrych ar dy groes;
A'm henaid gwan, rho iddo nerth
  I ddringo'r rhiwiau geirwon, serth.

N'âd i mi edrych yma a thraw,
  Ond pwyso ar d'alluog law,
Nes y diangwyf draw i dre',
  I foli'm Ceidwad yn y ne'.
N'âd i mi :: Na âd im'
dre' :: dref
ne' :: nef

Thomas Levi 1825-1916

Tôn [MH 8888]: Babylon (Thomas Campion 1567-1620)

(Request for strength)
Under the great straits of my age
  Let me look upon thy cross;
And my weak soul, give it strength
  To climb the rough, steep hills.

Do not let me look here and yonder,
  But lean on thy powerful hand,
Until I escape yonder to home,
  To praise my Saviour in heaven.

tr. 2019 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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