Darfydded ochain dyn, A seinier emyn pêr; Fe ddygir heddiw newydd da I'r gwaela' dan y sêr. Trwy bechod gwynfa goll, Cwympasom oll i lawr; O orsedd nef, i godi'r caeth, Fe ddaeth ein Harglwydd mawr. I'r Wyryf yn ddi-gêl Hysbysa Angel Duw Am ymgnawdodliad Duw ei hun, Er mwyn i ddyn gael byw. O fendigedig Ferch Uwchlaw'r holl ferched sy: Daw Duw ei hun, O ddiwair Fam, Yn Fab di-nam dy fru. Trwy'r oruchwyliaeth lân, Fe'n maethir ganddo ef Sy'n porthi uchod Engyl Duw - Y Bara byw o'r nef. A'i Gorff yng ngrym ei nerth, A rydd yn Aberth drud, A'i Waed a gyll ar bren y Groes, Er atal gloes y byd. I'n plith, fy Arglwydd mawr A ddaeth yn awri fyw; Efe yw'r Ffordd a Phen y daith O'r anial maith at Dduw. A thithau, Fam ein Ri, A barchwn ni o hyd - Lawforwyn ostyngedig Duw, Arglwyddes wiw y byd.cyf. John Williams (Ab Ithel) 1811-62 ac eraill
Tonau [MB 6686]: |
Let the groans of man cease, And a sweet hymn be sounded; Good news is to be brought today To the most abject under the stars. Through sin blessedness lost, We all fell down; From the throne of heaven, to raise the captive, Our great Lord came. To the Virgin unconcealed The Angel of God announces The incarnation of God himself, In order for man to get to live. O blessed Daughter Above all daughters there are: God himself comes, O undefiled Mother, As the faultless Son of thy womb. Through the holy dispensation, To be fed by him Who is above feeding the Angels of God - The living Bread from heaven. And his Body the force of his strength, Which he gives as a costly Sacrifice, And his Blood which he shed on the wood of the Cross, To stop the woes of the world. Amongst us, my great Lord Came now to live; He is the Way and the journey's End From the vast desert to God. And thou, Mother of our Lord, We revere still - Humble handmaiden of God, The worthy Lady of the world.tr. 2019 Richard B Gillion |
The sighs and the sorrows Of this world may cease; This happy day bringeth Glad tidings of peace For suffering mortals. Through one man's transgression We all of us fell; From heavenly mansions. To save us from hell, He came, the Most Highest. To the one chosen Virgin Who God was to bear, The Angel descendeth The tale to declare. Salvation's high mystery. The Word of the Father, Eternally born, Assumeth man's body, On this blessed morn, That He may redeem us. He shall offer this Body Our ransom to be; His blood He shall pour forth. His servants to free, And pour every life-drop. From my country an exile I wandered in vain. And knew not the pathway By which to regain True joy everlasting. To the place of my exile God deigns to descend; My way He becometh Himself, and my end: I shall walk here in safety.tr. John M Neale 1818-66 from the Latin: Humani generis |