Datgenwch glod yr Arglwydd nef

(Annog y Saint i foli Duw)
Datgenwch glod yr Arglwydd nef
Ei hen drugaredd rasol ef,
  O oes i oes sydd yn parhau:
O! chwi holl waredigion Ior,
O! cenwch hyn ar dîr a môr,
  Mae'n para byth i drugarhau.

Rhai a waredodd ef trwy ras,
Y rhai a gasglodd, er eu câs,
  O'r tiroedd gwasgaredig pell;
O'r dwyrain a'r gorllewin dir,
O'r gogledd ac o'r dehau'n wir,
  I 'mofyn am orphwysfa well. 

Tywysodd hwynt hyd ffordd oedd iawn,
O'i ras a'i ddoeth ryfeddol ddawn,
  I ddinas gyfanneddol glyd:
O! na foliannent hwy, bob awr,
Yr Arglwydd a'i ddaioni mawr,
  Gan gofio ing
      Iachawdwr byd.
John Roberts 1753-1834


(Exhorting the Saints to praise God)
Declare the praise of the Lord of heaven,
His old, gracious mercy
  From age to age is enduring:
O, all ye delivered of the Lord,
O, sing ye this on land and sea!
  He is continuing forever to have mercy.

Those he delivered through grace,
Those he gathered, despite their hatred,
  From the lands scattered far;
From the east and the western land,
From the north and from the south truly,
  To ask for a better rest.

He led them along a road that was right,
Of his grace and his wise, amazing gift,
  To a secure, inhabited city:
O that they would praise, every hour,
The Lord and his great goodness,
  Remembering the anguish of
      the Saviour of the world.
tr. 2017 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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