Daw amser gwell fe dyr y wawr

(Deued dy deyrnas)
Daw amser gwell,
    fe dyr y wawr,
Ar ddydd yr arddeliadau mawr,
  Bydd adsain yr achubol waith,
  Drwy bob rhyw le,
      yn mhob ryw iaith.

O holl hinsoddau'r ddaear lawr
Y cesglir y cynhauaf mawr;
  Diwellir Crist
      wrth wel'd ei hâd,
  A ffrwyth ei boen
      a'i gariad rhad.

Bydd enw mawr ein Harglwydd Iôr
Yn toi y byd
    fel llanw'r môr,
  Nes cuddio'i ddrygau'n llwyr bob un,
  A chuddio pobpeth ond ei hun.

Ehêd yr anthem o bob tant
O fryn i fryn, o bant i bant,
  Bydd corau'r nef
      mewn llawen fryd
  Yn cipio sain
      caniadau'r byd.

Daw tymp yr
    addewidion llawn
I wneyd y byd yn ddedwydd iawn,
  A gwyn ei fyd pob un a wêl
  Y nefol ddaear pan y dêl.
Ehêd yr anthem :: Eheda'r anthem
Y nefol ddaear :: Y ddaear fel y nef

William Ambrose (Emrys) 1813-73

Tonau [MH 8888]:
Angels' Hymn (Orlando Gibbons 1583-1625)
St Ambrose (Plain Chant 1808)
St Blasius (<1875)

(Thy kingdom come)
A better time shall come,
    the dawn shall break,
On the day of the great unctions,
  The echo of the saving work be
  Through every kind of place,
      in every kind of language.

From all climates of the earth below
Is to be gathered the great harvest;
  Christ is to be satisfied
      on seeing his seed,
  And the fruit of his pain
      and his free love.

May the great name of our Sovereign Lord be
Covering the world
    like the flood-tide of the sea,
  Until hiding the evils totally every one,
  And hiding everything but itself.

May the anthem fly from every string
From hill to hill, from hollow to hollow,
  May the choirs of heaven be
      in joyful intent
  Snatching away the sound
      of the songs of the world.

May the appointed time of the
    full promises come
To make the world very happy,
  And blessed every one who sees
  The heavenly earth when it comes.
The heavenly earth :: The earth like heaven

tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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