Daw Israel adre'n wir

(Adferiad yr Iuddewon)
Daw Israel adre'n wir,
  Fe'u gwelir yn ddiau
O fewn i byrth Caersalem bêr;
  Mae'r amser yn nesau.

Ail adeiledir hon,
  Yn ddinas lon cyn hir;
Ei theml godir hyd y nen
  Ar ben Moria dir.

Daw'r holl grwydredig hâd
  Yn ol i'w gwlad i fyw,
A'u cān yn uchel am y gwaed
  A chariad Iesu gwiw.

A chyda'r rhai'n ar g'oedd,
  Doed holl genhedloedd byd,
I wneyd i fyny'r teulu mawr
  Trwy nef a llawr y'nghyd.
cyf. Llyfr Tonau ac Emynau (Stephen & Jones) 1868

Tôn [MB 6686]: Hampton (Psalmody 1770)

(The Restoration of the Jews)
Israel will come home truly,
  They will doubtless be seen
Within the portals of sweet Jerusalem;
  The time is drawing near.

This is to be restored,
  In the cheerful city before long;
His temple is to be built up to the sky
  On the summit of Moriah land.

All the wandered seed will come
  Back to the land to live,
And their song about the blood
  And love of worthy Jesus.

And with some publicly,
  Let the whole nations of the world come,
To make up the great family
  Through heaven and earth together.
tr. 2013 Richard B Gillion
(Hebrew Missionaries)
Of all the ancient race,
  Not one is left behind,
But each, impelled by secret grace,
  His way to Canaan find.

Rebuilt by his command,
  Jerusalem shall rise;
Her temple on Moriah stand
  Again, and touch the skies.

Send then thy servants forth,
  To call the Hebrews home;
From east and west, and south and north,
  Let all the wanderers come.

With Israel's myriads sealed
  Let all the nations meet,
And show the mystery fulfilled,
  The family complete.
1762 Charles Wesley 1707-88
As in Hymns and Tunes in Welsh and English
(E T Griffith) 1884

Tune [SM 6686]: Hampton (Psalmody 1770)

            - - - - -

Almighty God of love
  Set up the attracting sign
And summon whom Thou dost approve
  For messengers divine.
From Abraham's favoured seed
  Thy new apostles choose
In isles and continents to spread
  The dead-reviving news.

Them snatched out of the flame
  Through every nation send
The true Messias to proclaim
  The universal Friend.
That all the God unknown
  May learn of Jews to adore
And see Thy glory in Thy Son
  Till time shall be no more.

O that the chosen band
  Might now their brethren bring
And gathered out of every land
  Present to Sion's King.
Of all the ancient race
  Not one be left behind
But each impelled by secret grace
  His way to Canaan find!

We know it must be done
  For God hath spoke the word
All Israel shall their Saviour own
  To their first state restored.
Rebuilt by His command
  Jerusalem shall rise
Her temple on Moriah stand
  Again, and touch the skies.

Send then Thy servants forth
  To call the Hebrews home
From west and east, and south, and north
  Let all the wanderers come.
Where'er in lands unknown
  Thy fugitives remain
Bid every creature help them on
  Thy holy mount to gain.

An offering to their God
  There let them all be seen
Sprinkled with water and with blood
  In soul and body clean.
With Israel's myriads sealed
  Let all the nations meet
And show Thy mystery fulfilled
  The family complete.
Tune [SM 6686]:
    Golden Hill (Aaron Chapin)
    Mornington (1760 Garret Wellesley Mornington 1720-81)
    Dover (Heart and Voice 1865)
The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh (corrections welcome). A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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