Daw'r saint o lwch y bedd

  Daw'r saint o
        lwch y bedd,
    Ar wedd
          eu Priod cu,
  I lawn dragwyddol wledd,
     Mewn gwir orfoledd fry;
Dyrchafant draw
      o'r dyfndr cudd,
Cānt ddod yn rhydd,
      mae'r dydd ger llaw.
Robert Williams (Robert ap Gwilym Ddu) 1766-1850

Tôn [666688]: Alun (J Ambrose Lloyd 1815-74)

Cyfododd Brenin hedd
Mae achos llawenhau
O rwymau angeu caeth

The saints shall come from
      the dust of the grave,
  In the likeness of
        their dear Bridegroom,
To an abundant eternal feast,
  In true rejoicing above;
They shall rise yonder
      from the hidden depth,
They will get to come free,
      the day is at hand.
tr. 2009 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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