Dechreu fy Nhafod cân er budd

Begin my tongue some heav'nly theme

1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9;  1,2,3,7,(8).
(Fyddlondeb Duw yn ei Addewidion)
Dechreu fy Nhafod, cân er budd,
  Ryw beth ag fydd anfeidrol;
Galluog waith, neu enw mawr,
  Ein Brenin clodfawr nefol.

Llefara am ffyddlondeb Duw,
  A'i allu gwiw cyhoedda;
Cân am ei addewidion gwir,
  Mor sicir y cyflawna.

Ei iechydwriaeth seinia ar led,
  I bechaduriaid marwol;
Y sanctaidd air 'sgrifenodd in'
  A'i law â Phin trag'wyddol.

Fel byth mewn argraff bres gerbron
  Mae addewidion efo;
Nid gallu'r t'w'llwch oll a dynn
  Y leiniau hyn oddi yno.

'Rhwn all ddileu y byd yn lân,
  A'i Wneuthur pan y mynno,
Fe dd'wed, a'i nerthol air heb feth
  Sy'n cwpla'r peth arfaethol.

Gwir air ei ras mor nerthol sy'
  A'r gair wnaeth llu y nefoedd;
Y llais a droes y ser o'r bron
  Yr addewidion rhoddodd.

Llefarodd, Boed y nefoedd,
  Ac felly bu pan dd'wedodd;
Abra'm, mi fyddaf i ti'n Dduw,
  A'i air yn wiw cyflawnodd.

O na chlyw'n inneu'th lais ryw dro
  Yn dweud, mai f'eiddo fyddi‚
Hyn godei f'enaid fynu'n lân,
  A dwyfol gân i'th foli.

Gwnei'm calon lammu a llawenhau,
  A'r nef sicrau ef imi;
Credaf i'th hollalluog lais,
  A ffydd ni chais ond hynny.
cyf. Hymnau a Chaniadau Ysprydol 1775

[mesur: MS 8787]

(The Faithfulness of God and his Promises)
Begin, my tongue, a song for the sake,
  Of something that shall be immortal;
The mighty work, or the great name,
  Of our praiseworthy, heavenly King.

Speak of the faithfulness of God,
  And his worthy power publish;
Sing about his true promises,
  So surely he will fulfill them.

His salvation sound abroad,
  To mortal sinners;
The holy word he wrote for us
  With his hand and his eternal pen.

As forever in a brass engraving openly
  Are his promises;
All the darkness cannot remove
  These lines from there.

He who can destroy the world completely,
  And does as he wills,
He speaks, and his strong word, unfailingly
  Is fulfilling the purposed thing.

The true word of his grace is as strong
  As the word which made heaven's host;
The voice that turned stars is just that
  Which gave the promises.

He pronounced, Let the heavens be,
  And thus was what he said;
Abraham, I will be thy God,
  And his world worthily he fulfilled.

O that we too may hear thy voice some time
  Saying, that mine thou shalt be,
Then my soul would rise up completely,
  With a divine song to praise thee.
Thou makest my heart leap and rejoice,
  And heaven makes it certain to me;
I believe in thy almighty voice,
  And faith shall seek only this.
tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion
Begin, my tongue, some heav'nly theme
  And speak some boundless thing;
The mighty works, or mightier name
  Of our eternal king.

Tell of His wondrous faithfulness
  And sound His power abroad;
Sing the sweet promise of His grace,
  And the performing God.

Proclaim "salvation from the Lord
  For wretched, dying men";
His hand has writ the sacred Word
  With an immortal pen.

Engraved as in eternal brass
  The mighty promise shines;
Nor can the powers of darkness rase
  Those everlasting lines.

He that can dash whole worlds to death,
  And make them when He please,
He speaks, and that almighty breath
  Fulfils His great decrees.

His very word of grace is strong
  As that which built the skies;
The voice that rolls the stars along
  Speaks all the promises.

He said, "Let the wide heav'n be spread,"
  And heav'n was stretched abroad:
"Abram, I'll be thy God," He said,
  And He was Abram's God.

O might I hear Thine heav'nly tongue
  But whisper, "Thou art Mine!"
Those gentle words shall raise my song
  To notes almost divine.

How would my leaping heart rejoice,
  And think my heav'n secure!
I trust the all-creating voice,
  And faith desires no more.
Isaac Watts 1674-1748
Hymns and Sacred Songs 1707-9

Tunes [CM 8686]:
Manoah (G A Rossini / H W Greatorex)
Mylon (attrib. Johann G Naumann 1741-1801)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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