Dedwyddol yw, mewn buchedd dda, Y sawl a ofna'r Arglwydd; A'i orchymynion anwyl ynt, Bydd iddo'n helynt hylwydd. Yr uniawn, yn y tywyll cau, Caiff fodd i oleu weled; Ystyriol a thosturiol iawn, A chyfiawn fydd ei weithred. Ni ysgogir byth y cyfiawn; gwna Ei goffa yn dragywydd; A chalon ddisigl, ddwys, ddi ofn, A sail ddofn yn yr Arglwydd.Edmwnd Prys 1544-1623 Tôn [MC 8686]: Llanandrews (<1835) |
Happy are, in a good manner of life, Those who fear the Lord; And his commands are dear, To him shall be a prosperous course. The upright, shut in the darknss, Shall get the satisfaction of seeing light; Considerable and very merciful, And righteous shall be his activity. Never to be moved is the righteous; he will make His memorial in eternity; With an unshaken, intense, fearless heart, And a deep foundation in the 2015 Richard B Gillion |