Deffro f'enaid deffro'n ufudd

1,((2),3,4),5,8;  1,2,3,4,8;  1,3,5,8,9,10;  1,6,7,8.
(Hymn foreuol / Gweddi am lwyr Waredigaeth)
Deffro, f'enaid, deffro'n ufudd;
    Cod yn awr // Gyda'r wawr,
  Seinia ganiad newydd.

F'enaid bach ga'dd huno'n gynnes,
    Yn ddi loes, // Tros y nos,
  Yn dy ddiddos fynwes.

Dan dy aden dawel dyner,
    Ces, heb wŷn, // Hyfryd hûn;
  Buddiol fu'm hesmwythder.

Heddiw rhof fy mhwys ar ddwyfron
    Iesu gwiw, // 'Nh'wysog yw,
  Rhag pob rhyw elynion.

Hyfryd fore, o gaethiwed,
    Wawria draw, // Maes o law
  Iesu ddaw i'm gwared.

Dyrcha foliant hyd yr wybren -
    Cysgod da // Rhad pob pla
  Gefaist dan ei aden.

Pwysa arno dros dy ddyddiau,
    Nes daw dydd, // Mynd yn rhydd
  I dy fythol gartre.

Uwch creaduriaid, Iesu, cadw
    F'enaid llon // Ar dy fron
  Dirion, nes fy marw.

Hiraeth sy ar fy nghalon dyner
    'Wel'd y dydd // 'Fyn'd yn rhydd,
  'Maes o'm poen a'm blinder.

Gwynfyd a f'ai heddyw'n canu,
    'Mhlith y llu // Sanctaidd fry
  Sydd wedi gorchfygu.
deffro'n :: deffro yn
dy aden :: dy adain
tros y nos :: trwy y nos
Buddiol :: Bywiol
'Nh'wysog :: 'm Tywysog :: Noddwr
creaduriaid :: peryglon

1-5,8-10: William Williams 1717-91
6,7: Anhysbys

Tonau [8336]:
Ebeling/Lüneburg (J G Ebeling 1620-76)
Havant (<1835)
Lime Springs (Daniel Protheroe 1866-1934)
  Paine St (Music Book of John W Williams 1852-3)
St Beuno (E J Hughes 1888-)
Thanet (J Jowett 1784-1856)

  Heddyw rho'f fy mhwys ar ddwyfron
  Iesu 'Mrenin mawr a 'Mhrïod

(Morning Hymn / Prayer for complete Deliverance)
Awaken, my soul, awaken obediently;
    Arise now // With the dawn,
  Sound a new song!

My little soul got to sleep warmly,
    Free from anguish, // Through the night,
  In thy cosy breast.

Under thy quiet, tender wing,
    I got, without complaint, // Lovely sleep;
  Beneficial was my ease.

Today I lean on the breasts
    Of worthy Jesus, // My Prince he is,
  Against every kind of enemy.

A lovely morning, from captivity,
    Will dawn yonder, // Soon
  Jesus will come to deliver us.

Raise praise up to the sky -
    A good shade // Against every plague
  Thou didst get under his wing.

Lean on him throughout thy days,
    Until the day comes, // Of going freely
  To thy eternal home.

Above creatures, Jesus, keep
    My cheerful soul // On thy tender
  Breast, until I die.

My tender heart longs
    To see the day // To go free,
  Out of my pain and distress.

Blessed it would be to sing today
    Among the holy // Throng above
  Which has overcome.
Beneficial :: Life-giving
My Prince :: My Prince :: A Protector
creatures :: perils

tr. 2010 Richard B Gillion

Rise, my soul, adore thy Maker!
  Angels praise; Join thy lays,
With them be partaker.

Father, Lord of ev'ry spirit!
  In thy might lead me right,
Through my Saviour's merit.

O my Jesus, God almighty!
  Pray for me, till I see
Thee in Salem's city.

Holy Ghost by Jesus given!
  Be my Guide, lest my pride
Shut me out of heaven.

Thou this night wast my Protector,
  With me stay all the day,
Ever my Director.

Holy, holy, holy Giver
  Of all good, life and food,
Reign ador'd forever.

John Cennick 1718-55

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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