Deffroir fy nghysglyd lwch

(Yr Adgyfodiad)
Deffroir fy nghysglyd lwch
  Pan genir udgorn Duw;
Daw carcharorion angeu du
  I gyd i fyny'n fyw.

O mewn galar, neu mewn hedd,
  Caf dd'od o'r bedd i'r làn;
Pa un ai gwynfyd pur, neu boen,
  Fydd fy nhragwyddol ran!

O Dduw! dod imi le
  Yn mysg y dyrfa fawr,
I'th foli byth yn nheyrnas ne',
  Mewn gwisgoedd fel y wawr!
William Edwards 1773-1853

Tonau [MB 6686]:
    Aberhiraeth (D Emlyn Evans 1843-1913)
    Dunbar (A Corelli 1653-1713)
    Shawmut (L Mason 1792-1872)
    William Evans (E Stephen [Tanymarian] 1822-85)

gwelir: Ai marw raid i mi?

(The Resurrection)
My sleeping dust is to be awakened
  When God's trumpet is sounded;
The prisoners of black death will come
  All up alive.

From in grief, or in peace,
  I will get to come up from the grave;
Whether pure blessedness, or pain,
  Shall be my eternal portion!

O God, give me a place
  Amongst the great throng,
To praise thee forever in the kingdom of heaven,
  In clothes like the dawn!
tr. 2010 Richard B Gillion
And am I born to die?
  To lay this body down?
And must my trembling spirit fly
  Into a world unknown?

Soon as from earth I go,
  What will become of me?
Eternal happiness or woe
  Must then my portion be.

How shall I leave my tomb?
  With triumph or regret?
A fearful or a joyful doom,
  A curse or blessing meet?
Charles Wesley 1707-1788

Tune [SM 6686]:
    Idumea (1816 Ananias Davisson 1780-1857)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh (corrections welcome). A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.', an English translation by 'tr.'

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