Dewch gorfoleddwch blant y nef

(Awdurdod Crist)
Dewch, gorfoleddwch blant y nef,
  Teyrnasa Crist eich pen;
Mae pob awdurdod yn ei law,
  Trwy'r byd a'r nefoedd wen.

Ei deyrnas fawr a bery byth,
  Fe biau gorsedd nef;
Mae agoriadau'r byd a ddaw
  'Nawr wrth ei wregys Ef.

Fe egyr byrth y nef o'ch blaen,
  Rhydd heddwch dan eich bron;
Llawenydd o seraphaidd ryw
  A leinw'ch mynwes lon.

Mewn gobaith gorfoleddwch 'nawr,
  Eich priod anwyl ddaw
I farnu'r byd, a nol ei blant;
  Mae pen y daith gerllaw.
Joseph Harris (Gomer) 1773-1825

Tonau [MC 8686]:
    Beatitudo (John B Dykes 1823-76)
    French (1615 Y Salmydd Ysgotaidd)
    Penmachno (T Hopkin Evans 1879-1940)
    St Anne (William Croft 1677-1727)
Tiverton (c.1796 J Grigg)

(The authority of Christ)
Come, rejoice, children of heaven,
  Christ your head reigns;
All authority is in his hand,
  Throughout the world and the bright heavens.

His great kingdom will endure forever,
  To him belongs the throne of heaven;
The keys of the world to come are
  Now at His belt.

He opens the portals of heaven before you,
  He will bestow peace under your breast;
The joy of a seraphic kind
  Will fill your cheerful breast.

In hope rejoice now,
  Your dear bridegroom is coming
To judge the world, and fetch his children;
  The end of the journey is at hand.
tr. 2010 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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