Dewch a chydseiniwch/chydseiniwn hyfryd gainc

(Come let us join our cheerful songs)

(Mawl i'r Oen / Addoli'r Oen)
Dewch a chydseiniwch
    hyfryd gainc,
A'r nefol lu o gylch y fainc,
  Tafodau ddeng-mil sydd i'r rhai'n
  Ond un llawenydd oll, a sain.

"Teilwng yw'r Oen
    gadd farwol glwy',
Gael ei derchafu," meddant hwy,
  "Teilwng", atebwn ninau, "yw
  Yr Oen fu farw i ni gael byw."

Ein Harglwydd Iesu teilwng yw
  O barch a gallu oddi wrth Dduw;
Bendithion mwy nag allom ni
  Byth, Arglwydd, roi, a f'o i ti.

Boed i drigolion nef a llawr,
Ac wybren fry a'r moroedd mawr,
  Ddyrchafu ei degwch ef a'i ras
  A'r uchel floedd,
      a nefol flas,

Yr holl greadigaeth ag un llef,
Fendithio ei enw sanctaidd ef,
  Sy'n eistedd ar yr orseddfaingc;
  A byth i'r Oen
      boed peraidd gaingc.

             - - - - -

Dewch a chydseiniwch
    hyfryd gainc,
A'r dorf sydd fry o gylch y fainc;
  Deng mil o filoedd
      sydd o'r rhai'n
  Ond un yw'r gân o gyson sain.

Teilwng yw'r Oen, ga'dd farwol glwy',
O bob derchafiad, meddant hwy;
  Teilwng, atebwn ninau, yw
  Yr Oen fu farw i ni gael byw.

Bendithion mwy nag allom ni
Byth, Arglwydd, ro'i a fo i ti,
  A lluoedd maith y ddae'r a'r nef,
  Fendithio'th ras ag unawl lef.

             - - - - -

Dewch a chydseiniwn
    hyfryd gainc,
A'r nefol lu o flaen y fainc;
  Tafodau ddeng mil
      sydd i'r rhai'n
  Ond un llawenydd oll a sain.

Teilwng yw'r Oen, ga'dd farwol glwy',
Gael ei ddyrchafu, meddant hwy;
  Teilwng, atebwn ninnau, yw
  Yr anwyl Oen sydd eto'n fyw.

Ein Harglwydd Iesu, teilwng yw
O barch a gallu oddiwrth Dduw;
  Bendithion mwy nag allom ni
  Byth, Arglwydd, ro'i, a fo i Ti.

Boed i drigolion nef a llawr,
Yr wybren fry a'r moredd mawr,
  Ddyrchafu'i degwch Ef a'i ras,
  Ag uchel floedd a nefol flas.

Yr holl gre'digaeth, ag un llef,
Fendithio'i enw sanctaidd Ef,
  Sy'n eistedd ar yr orseddfainc,
  A byth i'r Oen
      boed peraidd gainc.
cyf. Dafydd Jones 1711-77
Hymnau a Chaniadau Ysprydol 1775

Tonau [MH 8888]:
Cromer (J A Lloyd 1815-74)
Eisenach (B Gesius / J H Schein)

Cydunwn â'r angelion fry
Dewch unwn ein caniadau pêr

(Praise to the Lamb / Worshipping the Lamb)
Come ye and sound together
    a delightful strain,
With the throng around the throne,
  Ten thousand tongues have those
  But all one joy, shall sound.

"Worthy is the Lamb,
    who got a mortal wound,
To get exalted," they say,
  "Worthy", we respond, "is
  The Lamb who died for us to get to live."

Our Lord Jesus is worthy
  Of reverence and power from God;
Blessings more than we are capable of
  Forever, Lord, give, and be to thee.

Let the inhabitants of heaven and earth,
And the sky above and the great seas,
  Exalt his fairness and his grace,
  With the loud shout,
      and a heavenly taste,

The whole creation with one voice
Bless his holy name,
  Who sits on the throne;
  And forever to the Lamb
      be a sweet strain.

                 - - - - -

Come ye and sound together
    a delightful strain,
With the throng which is around the throne
  Ten thousand of thousands
      there are of those
  But one is the song of a constant sound.

Worthy is the Lamb, who got a mortal wound,
Of every exaltation, they say;
  Worthy, we respond, is
  The Lamb who died for us to get to live.

Blessings more than we can
Ever, Lord, give be to thee,
  And vast hosts of the earth and heaven,
  Bless thy grace with a single cry.

                 - - - - -

Come and let us sound together
    a delightful strain,
And the heavenly host before the throne;
  Ten thousand tongues
      have those
  But one joy they all sound.

Worthy is the Lamb, who got a mortal wound,
To be exalted, they say;
  Worthy, reply we, is
  The dear Lamb who is yet alive.

Our Lord Jesus, worthy is he
Of reverence and power from God;
  Blessings more than we can
  Ever, Lord, give, be Thine.

Let the inhabitants of heaven and earth,
The sky above and the great seas,
  Exalt His fairness and his grace,
  With a loud shout and a heavenly flavour.

Let the whole creation, with one voice,
Bless His sacred name,
  Who is sitting on the throne,
  And forever to the Lamb
      be a sweet strain.
tr. 2015,19 Richard B Gillion
Come, let us join
     our cheerful songs
  With angels round the throne.
Ten thousand thousand are their tongues,
  But all their joys are one.

"Worthy the Lamb
    that died," they cry,
  "To be exalted thus!"
"Worthy the Lamb," our hearts reply,
  "For he was slain for us!"

Jesus is worthy to receive
  Honour and power divine;
And blessings more than we can give,
  Be, Lord, forever thine.

Let all that dwell above the sky,
  And air and earth and seas,
Conspire to lift Thy glories high,
  And speak Thine
      endless praise!

The whole creation join in one,
  To bless the sacred name
Of Him who sits upon the throne,
  And to adore
      the Lamb.

              - - - - -

Come, let us join
    our cheerful songs
  With angels round the throne.
Ten thousand thousand
    are their tongues,
  But all their joys are one.

"Worthy the Lamb that died," they cry,
  "To be exalted thus!"
"Worthy the Lamb," our hearts reply,
  "For he was slain for us!"

Jesus is worthy to receive
  Honour and power divine;
And blessings more than we can give,
  Be, Lord, forever thine.

              - - - - -

Come, let us join
    our cheerful songs
  With angels round the throne.
Ten thousand thousand
    are their tongues,
  But all their joys are one.

"Worthy the Lamb that died," they cry,
  "To be exalted thus!"
"Worthy the Lamb," our hearts reply,
  "For he was slain for us!"

Jesus is worthy to receive
  Honour and power divine;
And blessings more than we can give,
  Be, Lord, forever thine.

Let all that dwell above the sky,
  And air and earth and seas,
Conspire to lift Thy glories high,
  And speak Thine endless praise!

The whole creation join in one,
  To bless the sacred name
Of Him who sits
    upon the throne,
  And to adore the Lamb.
1707 Isaac Watts 1674-1748

Tunes [CM 8686]:
Dundee/French (Scottish Psalter 1615)
Lancaster (Samuel Howard 1710-82)
London New (Scottish Psalter 1635)
  Oxford New (George Coombes d.1769)
Nativity (Henry Lahee 1826-1912)
St Fulbert (Henry John Gauntlett 1805-76)
St Saviour / Bristol (F G Baker 1839-1919)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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