Dewch at Iesu, clywch ei alwad, Fe faddeua eich holl fai: Mawl a gweddi enyn ynoch, A gorfoledd yn ddidrai, Peidiwch ofni'ch annheilyngdod, Na'i barodrwydd grasol Ef; Acen croesaw sy'n ei alwad, Pwy ni wrendy ar ei lef? Canlyn Iesu yn galonog, O! mor hyfryd fydd y gwaith Esmwyth iawn fydd iau'r gwasanaeth Cān llawenydd fydd yr iaith: Ni raid cwynfan yn wylofus, Dyrnfedd yw ein heinioes frau, Gwnawn ein goreu dros yr Iesu, Nes daw'r alwad i'n rhyddhau. Gada'r Iesu yn y nefoedd Cawn am byth ei foli Ef, Am ein hachub rhag digofaint, Am ein dwyn i wynfyd nef; "Tyr'd yn awr, O! Arglwydd Iesu:" "Tyr'd" yw llef yr eglwys fyw, Ac nes deui, ffydd a gweddi, Nertha galon teulu Duw.cyf. E Talfryn Jones 1857-1935
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Come to Jesus, hear his call, He will forgive all your fault: Praise and prayer enkindle in you, And jubilation unebbing, Do not fear your unworthiness, Nor His gracious readiness; An accent of welcome is his call, Who does not hearken to his cry? Follow Jesus heartily, Oh how delightful will be the work Very easy will be the yoke of service A song of joy will be the language: There is no need to complain woefully, A hand-breadth is our fragile lifespan, Let us do our best for Jesus, Until the call comes to free us. With Jesus in the heavens We will get to praise him forever, For saving us from wrath, For bringing us to the bliss of heaven; "Come now, O Lord Jesus!" "Come" is the cry of the living church, And until thou comest, faith and prayer, Shall strengthen the heart of God's 2010 Richard B Gillion |
Come to Jesus, He invites you - He will take your sins away; He will fill your hearts with gladness, Teach you how to praise and pray. Do not say you are unworthy, And that He may not receive; He has bid you come and welcome, Can you not His word believe? Follow Jesus, follow gladly - His is such a sweet employ; In His service care will lighten, and the heart be filled with joy. "Don't be sighing, don't be weeping; Life, you know, is but a span!" Jesus soon will come and call us - Work for Jesus while you can. Then with Jesus safe in heaven We shall all for ever dwell; Praising Him, whose love redeemed us From our sin, and death, and hell; Come, Lord Jesus; oh, come quickly - come and call Thy Church away; But as long as Thou dost tarry May we work, and trust, and pray.Vernon John Charlesworth 1839-1915
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