De'wch bechaduriaid de'wch i'r wledd

Come sinners to the gospel feast

(Rhydd wahoddiad yr Efengyl)
De'wch bechaduriaid, de'wch i'r wledd,
Mae'r Iesu'n gwa'dd chwi i gael hedd;
  Groesaw sy' bawb dd'od at eu Duw
  Mae'r galwad i holl ddynolryw.

Yn enw'r Iesu'ch gwa'dd 'r wyf fi,
Gwahoddiad rhydd i bawb y sy';
  Doed yr holl fyd,
      tyr'd tithau'n glau
  Pob peth gan Grist yn barod mae.

De'wch chwi eneidiau truain trīst,
Gorphwysfa gewch gan Iesu Grist;
  I'r tlawd, a'r cloff
      a'r dall mae lle
  Ca'nt gyflawn roesaw ganddo 'fe.

Derbyniwch roddion Duw yn rhād,
Dewch at y weldd, bar'todd y Tad;
  Profwch ei ryfedd gariad gwiw,
  A bwytewch gnawd a gwaed Mab Duw.

Wele 'fe'n gwaedu ar y groes,
Ei fywyd dros ein beiau 'rho'es;
  Derbyniwch 'nawr ei roddion ef
  'Fe'ch dwg chwi 'mewn
      i deyrnas nef.

Wel' dyma'r dydd o ras ein Duw,
Yr amser cymmeradwy yw:
  Brysiwn i roi'n calonnau ' gyd
  I'r hwn fu farw dros y byd.
cyf. John Hughes 1776-1843
Diferion y Cyssegr 1804

[Mesur: MH 8888]

gwelir: Hwn ydyw'r dydd o ras ein Duw

(The free invitation of the Gospel)
Come sinners, come to the feast,
Jesus is inviting you to get peace;
  All are welcome to come to their God,
  The call is to all humankind.

In the name of Jesus inviting you am I,
A free invitation to all it is;
  Let the whole world come,
      come thou quickly,
  Everything is made ready by Christ.

Come ye wretched, sad souls,
Rest ye shall get from Jesus Christ;
  For the poor, and the lame
      and the bind there is room
  They shall get a full welcome from him.

Receive ye the gifts of God freely,
Come to the feast, prepared by the Father;
  Experience his wonderful, worthy love,
  And eat the flesh and blood of God's Son.

See him bleeding on the cross,
His life for our faults he gave;
  Receive ye now his gifts
  He will bring you into
      the kingdom of heaven.

See here the day of the grace of our God,
The recommended time it is:
  Let us hurry to give all our hearts
  To him who died for the world.
tr. 2019 Richard B Gillion
Come, sinners, to the Gospel feast;
Let every soul be Jesus' guest.
  Ye need not one be left behind,
  For God hath bid all humankind.

Sent by my Lord, on you I call;
The invitation is to all.
  Come, all the world!
      Come, sinner, thou!
  All things in Christ are ready now.

Come, all ye souls by sin oppressed,
Ye restless wanderers after rest;
  Ye poor, and maimed,
      and sick, and blind,
  In Christ a hearty welcome find.

Come, and partake the Gospel feast;
Be saved from sin; in Jesus rest;
  O taste the goodness of your God,
  And eat His flesh, and drink His blood!

See Him set forth before your eyes,
That precious, bleeding Sacrifice!
  His offered benefits embrace,
  And freely now be
      saved by grace.

This is the time, no more delay!
This is the Lord's accepted day.
  Come thou, this moment, at His call,
  And live for Him who died for all.
Charles Wesley 1707-88

Tune [LM 8888]: Fulda (Sacred Melodies 1812)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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