Dewch bechaduriaid bellach

(Gwahoddiad at Grist)
Dewch, bechaduriaid, bellach,
  Na welodd oleu'r dydd,
Mewn carchar tywyll, enbyd,
  Yn methu dod yn rhydd;
Fe gododd Haul o'r diwedd
  Yn ddisglair yn y nen:
Agorwch eich amrantau
  I weled mwy heb len.

Mae'n bryd i gaethion Babel
  I ganu, "Daeth y dydd!"
Y dorau pres agorwyd
  A'r gaethglud ddaeth yn rhydd
Daw'r hen delynau adref,
  Fu'n segur ar y coed,
I ganu moliant Iesu,
  Yn fwynach nag erioed.
Dafydd William 1720-94

Tonau [7676D]:
Babel (Sacred Harmony 1786)
Lymington (Robert Jackson 1842-1914)
Penlan (David Jenkins 1848-1915)
Rhagluniaeth (Caradog Roberts 1878-1935)

  De'wch bellach bechaduriaid
  Mae'n bryd i gaethion
  Mae'r ffynon yn agored

(Invitation to Christ)
Come, ye sinners, now,
  That saw no light of day,
In a dark, severe prison,
  Failing to come free;
The Sun has arisen at last
  Shining in the sky:
Open you eyelids
  To see henceforth without a veil.

It is time for the captives of Babylon
  To sing, "The day has come!"
Opened are the doors of brass
  And those taken captive have come free:
The old harps shall come home,
  Which were idle on the trees,
To sing the praise of Jesus
  More dearly that ever.
tr. 2020 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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