Dewch blant yr Ysgol o un fryd

(Yr Hafan Ddymunol)
Dewch, blant yr Ysgol o un fryd,
  I ganu Haleliwia,
Dewch ar y Sabbath, oll i gyd,
  I ganu Haleliwia:
O! dewch yn gyson a digoll,
  I ganu Haleliwia;
Athrawon a dysbyblion oll,
  Cydganwn Haleliwia.

Ymunwn oll mewn nefol hwyl,
  I ganu Haleliwia;
Yn llon fel tyrfa'n cadw gwyl,
  Cydganwn Haleliwia:
Doed ie'ngctyd filoedd i gael blas
  Ar ganu Haleliwia;
O brofi rhin achubol ras,
  Hwy ganant Haleliwia.

Mae'n faith a'n ffordd tua Salem fryn,
  Trwy fro a glyn wylofain;
Ond ni gawn orphwys yn ddifraw
  Yr ochr draw'r Iorddonen:
Cawn ado'r byd
    a'i wagedd ffol,
  Ni raid troi'n ol drachefen,
Nac ofni gelyn ar un llaw
  Yr ochr draw'r Iorddonen.
Y Delyn Aur 1868

Tôn [8787D]: Yr Hafan Ddymunol
  (George Frederick Root 1820-95)

(The Desirable Haven)
Come, children of the School of one intent,
  To sing Hallelujah,
Come on the Sabbath, all together,
  To sing Hallelujah,
O come constantly and without fail,
  To sing Hallelujah;
All teachers and pupils,
  Let us sing together Hallelujah.

Let us all join in heavenly joy,
  To sing Hallelujah,
Cheerfully like a throng keeping festival,
  To sing Hallelujah:
Let young thousands come to get a taste
  Of singing Hallelujah;
Of experiencing the merit of saving grace,
  Of them who sing Hallelujah.

Our faith and our way towards Salem hill is
  Through the vale and glen of lamentation;
But we will get to rest without fear
  On yonder side of the Jordan:
We will get to leave the world
    and its foolish emptiness,
  There is no need to turn back again,
Nor fear an enemy on any hand
  On yonder side of the Jordan.
tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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