Dewch ffyddlon rai nesewch mewn hedd

(Y Cymun)
Dewch, ffyddlon rai, nesewch mewn hedd,
  Mae yma wledd arbennig
O basgedigion wedi eu trin,
  A gloyw win puredig.

Amgylchwch heddiw'r sanctgaidd fwrdd,
  Cewch gwrdd â'ch Prynwr Iesu;
A llawnder o gysuron da
  Sydd yma i'ch croesawu.

Rhag clwyfau enaid o bob rhyw
  Gan Dduw cewch feddyginiaeth;
A rhag gelynion cryfion, cas,
  Trwy ras cewch waredigaeth.

Fe selir
    i chwi heddiw 'nghyd
  Y golud anchwiliadwy;
Y dygir chwi ar fyr yn llon
  I Seion i'w meddiannu.
Phylip Pugh 1679-1760

Tôn [MS 8787]: Cymundeb (Caradog Roberts 1878-1935)

(The Communion)
Come, ye faithful ones, draw near in peace!
  There is here a special feast
Of treated fatlings,
  And clear, purified wine.

Surround ye today the holy table,
  Get to meet with your Redeemer Jesus;
With fullness of good comforts
  Who is here to welcome you!

From wounds of the soul of every kind
  By God get ye medical treatment;
And from strong, detestable enemies,
  Through grace get ye deliverance!

To be established
    here for you all together today is
  The unsearchable wealth;
Ye are to be led shortly, cheerfully
  To Zion to possess it.
tr. 2015 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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