Dewch i'r ysgol Sul i'ch dysgu

Dewch i'r ysgol Sul i'ch dysgu,
  Dewch bob teulu yn gytun;
Dyma fan sydd wed ei drefnu,
  Gan yr Athraw mawr ei hun;
    I roi addysg,
  I rai di-ddysg ar eu taith.

Ynddi argyhoeddwyd lluoedd,
  O drueni pechod cas,
Ac i orphwys cu heneidiau
  Ar ddiderfyn olud gras;
    Dyma drysor, 
  Can'mil mwy na'r ddaear hon.

Dyolch byth am foddion cymhwys
  I addysgu plant yr oes,
Yn y Gair sydd yn amlygu
  Am rinweddau gwaed y groes;
    Oddiwrth bechod,
  Mae'n glanhau yn hyfryd wyn.
W Owens
Côr y Plant 1875

Tôn [878747]: Lackawanna (William Aubrey Powell)

Come to the Sunday school for you to learn,
  Come every family in agreement;
Here is a place arranged,
  By the great Teacher himself;
    To give learning,
  To those unlearned on their journey.

In it hosts are persuaded,
  Of the misery of detestable sin,
And for dear souls to rest
  On the endles wealth of grace;
    Here is a treasure,
  A hundred times greater than this earth.

Thanks forever for suitable means
  To teach children of the age,
In the word which is making evident
  The virtues of the blood of the cross;
    From sin,
  It is cleansing delightfully white.
tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh (corrections welcome). A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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