Difyr(r)u'n hoes mewn ofer hynt

(Addewidion y Cyfammod Gras)
Difyrru'n hoes mewn ofer hynt,
'R y'm ni ' gasglu gwegi a gwynt;
  Y byd a'r oll o'i bethau da,
  Newynu enaid dyn a wna.

Dewch i gael bwyd i'ch henaid byw,
Sydd fwy sylweddol, gan eich Duw;
  O'r fath a fwytty angylion fry,
  A'r seintiau mewn gogoniant sy'.

Duw a'n diwalla ni'r un wedd,
A lleinw ein calonnau â'i hedd;
  Trwy lw ac ammod cadarn iawn,
  Mae'n rhoi o'i ras
      helaethrwydd llawn.

Dewch, fe wna'n henaid brwnt yn lân,
Fe ylch ein brychau fawr a mân,
  Mewn ffynnon werthfawr, sef yr hon
  A ddaeth o ystlys Crist
      a'i fron.

Ein holl euogrwydd ffwrdd a ffy,
Er bod ei liw fel uffern ddu;
  I'r môr ein beiau teflir hwy,
  Na's gellir cael mo honynt mwy.

A rhag i halogrwydd brwnt, ryw bryd,
Ymdannu dros ein henaid drud,
  Ei Yspryd sanctaidd arno ddaw
  I'w wlithio a'i buro megis gwlaw.

Ein calon galed wedi cloi
Na ddichon ofnau mo'i chyffroi,
  Er dim bygythion ag a glyw,
  Dattodir hon gan gariad Duw.

Neu'r galon garreg ymaith tyn
Na chym'ro'i mheddalhau fel hyn,
  Ac o drysorau'i ras
      rhydd e'
  Un f'o tynerach yn ei lle.

A'i Yspryd Glân drig yno o hyd,
A'i gyfraith mewn dwfn argraph dyd,
  A'n holl feddyliau ni a wnair
  I ufuddhau i Dduw a'i air.

Rhoi Iechydwriaeth mae ê'n llyn,
Ninnau a'i molwn ef am hyn;
  Ni pobl ei gariad, iddo'n byw,
  Ac ef i ni yn rasol Dduw.

               - - - - -
(Bwyd angylion)
Difyru'n hoes mewn ofer hynt,
Yr y'm wrth gasglu gwegi a gwynt;
  Y byd a'r oll o'i bethau da,
  Newynu enaid dyn a wna.

Awn i gael bwyd i'n henaid byw,
Sydd fwy sylweddol, gan ein Duw;
  O'r fath sydd gan angylion fry,
  A'r seintiau mewn gogoniant sy.

Duw a'n diwalla ni'r un wedd,
Gan lenwi'n calon wan â'i hedd;
  I bechaduriaid tlodion iawn,
  Mae'n rhoi o'i ras
      helaethrwydd llawn.
cyf. Dafydd Jones 1711-77
Hymnau a Chaniadau Ysprydol 1775

[Mesur: MH 8888]

gwelir: Ein calon galed er ei chloi

(The Promises of the Covenant of Grace)
Amusing our life in a vain course,
We are collecting frivolity and wind;
  The world and all of its good things,
  Starve the soul of man they do.

Come ye to get food for your living soul,
Which is more substantial, from your God;
  Of the kind which feeds angels above,
  And the saints who are in glory.

God will satisfy us in the same way,
And fill our hearts with peace;
  Through an oath and very firm conditions,
  He is giving from his grace
      full generosity.

Come ye, he will make the dirty soul clean,
He will wash our blemishes great and small,
  In a precious fount, which is that
  Which came from Christ's side
      and his breast.

All our guilt away shall flee,
Although its colour be like black hell;
  To the sea our faults they are to be flung,
  Until they are not able to be got any more.

And lest its dirty infection, some time,
Spread across our precious soul,
  His holy Spirit upon it will come
  To bedew it and purify it like rain.

Our hard heart locked
Impossible for fears to excite it,
  Despite any threats which it hears,
  This is to be loosed by God's love.

Or the heart of stone take away
Nor accept my thoughts like this,
  And from the treasures of his grace
      he will give
  One which will be more tender in its place.

And his Holy Spirit shall dwell there always,
And his law in a deep impression he will put,
  And all our thoughts shall be made
  Obedient to God and his word.

To give Salvation he is a lake,
We shall praise him for this;
  We people of his love, living unto him,
  And he to us as a gracious God

                  - - - - -
(The Food of Angels)
Amusing our life in a vain course,
We are collecting frivolity and wind;
  The world and all of its good things,
  Starve the soul of man they do.

Let us go to get food for our living soul
Which is more substantial, from our God;
  Of the kind which angels above have,
  And the saints who are in glory.

God will satisfy us in the same way,
By filling our weak heart with his peace;
  To very poor sinners,
  He is giving from his grace
      full generosity.
tr. 2015 Richard B Gillion
(The Promises of the Covenant of Grace)
In vain we lavish out our lives
  To gather empty wind,
The choicest blessings earth can yield
  Will starve a hungry mind.

Come and the Lord shall feed our souls
  With more substantial meat,
With such as saints in glory love,
  With such as angels eat.

Our God will every want supply,
  And fill our hearts with peace;
He gives by covenant and by oath
  The riches
      of his grace.

Come, and he'll cleanse our spotted souls,
  And wash away our stains,
In the dear fountain that his Son
  Pour'd from
      his dying veins.

Our guilt shall vanish all away
  Tho' black as hell before;
Our sins shall sink beneath the sea,
  And shall be found no more.

And lest pollution should o'erspread
  Our inward powers again,
His Spirit shall bedew our souls
  Like purifying rain.

Our heart, that flinty stubborn thing,
  That terrors cannot move,
That fears no threat'nings of his wrath,
  Shall be dissolv'd by love;

Or he can take the flint away
  That would not be refin'd,
And from the treasures
    of his grace
  Bestow a softer mind.

There shall his sacred Spirit dwell,
  And deep engrave his law,
And every motion of our souls
  To swift obedience draw.

Thus will he pour salvation down,
  And we shall render praise,
We the dear people of his love,
  And he our God of grace.

                  - - - - -
In vain we lavish out our lives
  To gather empty wind,
The choicest blessings earth can yield
  Will starve a hungry mind.

Come and the Lord shall feed our souls
  With more substantial meat,
With such as saints in glory love,
  With such as angels eat.

Our God will every want supply,
  And fill our hearts with peace;
He gives by covenant and by oath
  The riches
      of his grace.
Isaac Watts 1674-1748
Hymns and Spiritual Songs 1707

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh (corrections welcome). A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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