Dirion Iesu gwrando'n cri

(Emyn Cenhadol i Blant)
Dirion Iesu, gwrando'n cri
Dros blant bach tu hwnt i'r lli;
  Dioddefaist farwol glwy'
  Drostynt, - ond ni wyddant hwy.

Diolch i Ti, Fugail mwyn,
Am Dy gariad at yr ŵyn;
  Ond mae myrdd ar fyrdd
      trwy'r byd
  Heb eu dwyn i'r gorlan glyd.

Mawl i'th enw annwyl Di
Gan ein mamau glywsom ni;
  O nad ai y seiniau per
  At bob plentyn dan y ser!

Llanw ni, Wardwr cun,
Oll â'th gariad pur Dy hun;
  Parod fôm i'th alwad Di
  Am genhadon hwnt i'r lli.

Caned y Genhadaeth wiw
I blant bychain du eu lliw, -
  Nad oes ar Galfaria fryn
  Ragor rhwng
      y Du a'r Gwyn!
John Owen Williams (Pedrog) 1853-1932

Tôn [7777]: Eilwen (Caradog Roberts 1878-1935)

(Missionary Hymn for Children)
Gentle Jesus, hear our cry
For little children beyond the tide;
  Thou didst suffer a mortal wound
  For them, - but they do not know.

Thanks to Thee, tender Shepherd,
For Thy love towards the lambs;
  But there is myriad upon myriad
      throughout the world
  Not brought into the secure fold.

Praise to Thy dear Name
From our mothers we heard;
  Oh that the sweet sound would go
  To every child under the stars!

Flood us, dear Deliverer,
All with Thy own pure love;
  Ready may we be for Thy call
  For missionaries beyond the tide.

Let the worthy Mission be sung
To little children of black colour, -
  There is not on Calvary hill
  Anything anymore
      between the Black and the White!
tr. 2015 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh (corrections welcome). A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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