Doed Iuddewon cyndyn bellach

(Galwad yr Iuddewon)
Doed Iuddewon cyndyn bellach,
  I hoffi llais efengyl hedd;
Boed i swn yr udgorn arian,
  'Nawr agoryd pyrth y bedd:
Aed eu dyddiau diffrwyth heibio,
  A'u caethiwed, doed i ben;
Hwythau'n credu'n llu ar unwaith,
  Yn yr hwn fu ar y pren.

Doed y pedwar gwynt, anadlant
  Ar y lladdedigion hyn:
O eithafoedd pella'r gwledydd,
  Gwelant ben Calfaria fryn;
Ac wrth swn yr udgorn arian,
  Pyrth a barau Babel fawr,
Fyddo'n agor, nes bo'r caethion,
  O'u carcharau oll yn awr.

Impier hwynt i'w holewydden,
  Profent o'u rhinweddau pêr;
Doed yr Iuddew mud i ganu,
  Mwy am ras
      anfeidrol Ner:
Cariad heb gyfnewid etto,
  A ffyddlondeb mawr didrai;
Gras fel moroedd o Galfaria,
  Digon byth i gladdu bai.

Doed y dydd i gynnull Israel,
  O'u gwrthgiliad pell yn ol,
Gyda galar ac wylofain,
  Am eu hymadawiad ffol;
Lluoedd gwasgaredig Juda,
  Doent o
      gyrau pella'r byd,
At y Siloh gwir dan gredu,
  A derchafu'r angeu drud.

Wele'r faner wen i fynu,
  Yn arwyddo fod rhyddhad -
Dyma'r dydd, doed yr Iuddewon
  'Nol i Sïon i fwynhad
O fendithion y cyfammod,
  Wnaed âg Abraham cyn hyn, 
Ac a seliodd Crist â'i angeu,
  Ië, ar Galfaria fryn.
Richard Jones ?1771-1833

[Mesur: 8787D]

(The Call of the Jews)
Let the stubborn Jews now come,
  To love the voice of the gospel of peace;
Let to the sound of the silver trumpet be
  Now opened the portals of the grave:
Let their fruitless days go past,
  And their captivity come to an end;
They believing as a host at once,
  In him who died on the tree.

Let the four winds come, they will breathe
  On these slain:
From the distant extremities of the lands,
  They will see the summit of Calvary hill;
And at the sound of the silver trumpet,
  The portals and bars of great Babel,
Shall be opening, until the captives be,
  All out of their prisons now.

They are to be grafted to their olive tree,
  Let them taste of their sweet merits;
Let the mute Jew come to cing,
  Evermore about the
      immeasurable grace of the Lord:
Love without any change yet,
  And great, unebbing faithfulness;
Grace like seas from Calvary,
  Sufficient forever to bury sin.

Let the day come to gather Israel,
  Back from their distant backsliding,
With lamentation and weeping,
  For their foolish apostasy;
The scattered hosts of Judah,
  Let them come from
      the most distant corners of the world,
To the true Shiloh believing,
  And exalting the costly death.

See the white flag up,
  Signalling that there is freedom -
This is the day, let the Jews come
  Back to Zion to the enjoyment
Of the blessings of the covenant,
  Made with Abraham before this,
And which Christ sealed with his death,
  Yes, on Calvary hill.
tr. 2015 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh (corrections welcome). A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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