'Does dim ar wyneb daear lawr

(Difyrwch dàn y groes)
'Does dim ar wyneb
    daear lawr,
A eilw meibion Adda'n fawr,
  A bwysa yn y glorian fry
  Dragwyddol hedd fy Iesu cu.

A thyna'r cyfoeth ro'ed i mi,
Anfeidrol drysor Calfari,
  A brynwyd yno ar y groes
  Trwy ddagrau cryf a chwerw loes.

O! gariad o anfeidrol ryw!
Rhaid marw'n lân o Iesu, 'm Duw;
  'D oedd yn y nefoedd ronyn llai
  A roisai daliad am fy mai.

Wel, minnau bellach wnaf fy nyth
O dàn Ei aden dawel byth,
  Ac mi adawaf îs y ne'
  Bob peth yn angof ond Efe.

Cymmeraf fy nifyrwch mwy
Fyfyrio ar Ei ddwyfol glwy';
  Mi dreuliaf ddiwedd bỳr fy oes
  Ar ben Calfaria,
      dàn y groes.
A eilw :: Ag eilw
A thyna :: A thyma

William Williams 1717-91

Tonau [MH 8888]:
Caernarfon (<1869)
Hursley (Peter Ritter 1760-1846)
Melancthon (Hans Kugelmann c.1495-1542)
Sebastian (Daniel Vetter)
Whitburn (Henry Baker 1835-1910)

(Comfort under the cross)
There is nothing on the face
    of earth below,
That the sons of Adam call great,
  That weighs in the scales above
  The eternal peace of my dear Jesus.

And there is the wealth given to me,
The immeasurble treasure of Calvary,
  That was purchased there on the cross
  Through strong tears and bitter anguish.

O love of an immeasurable kind!
That fully needed Jesus, my God, to die;
  There is in heaven not a grain less
  That would give a payment for my sin.

See, I shall now make my nest
Under His quiet wing forever,
  And I shall leave below heaven
  Everything forgotten but He.

I shall take my comfort evermore
Meditating on His divine wound;
  I shall spend the short endof my life
  On the summit of Calvary,
      under the cross.
And there is :: And here is

tr. 2018 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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