'Does hyd na lled yn bod

(Aberth Crist)
  'Does hyd na lled yn bod,
    Ar aberth mawr y groes;
  Na phwys, na gwerth, na rhif,
    Ni ddaw, ni fu,
        nid oes;
Anfeidrol yw uwch
    deall dyn,
'Does ŵyr ei faint, ond Duw ei hun.

  Er cànu myrdd yn wỳn,
    O'r euog aflan rai;
  Fydd haeddiant Iesu mwyn
    Er hyny ddim yn llai,
Diderfyn yw, i Dduw bo'r clod,
'Does drai na llanw iddo'n bod.

[  Er cánu myrdd yn wyn,
     O euog aflan rai;
   Trwy haeddiant pen y bryn
     Ni fydd e' ddim yn llai;
 Diderfyn yw, i Dduw b'o'r clod,
 'Does trai na llanw iddo'n bod.]

  Pan ddelo'r seintiau oll,
    Heb un ar goll yn bod,
  O bedwar cwr y byd,
    Yn nghyd i roddi'r clod:
I'r Drindod sanctaidd yn gytun;
Bydd canu byth,
    am gofio dyn.
Caniadau Bethel (Casgliad Evan Edwards) 1840

Tôn [666688]: Alun (J A Lloyd 1815-74)

(The Sacrifice of Christ)
  There is no length or breadth,
    To the great sacrifice of the cross;
  Nor weight, nor price, nor number,
    Not to come, nor having been,
        nor being;
Immeasurable it is above
    man's understanding,

  Despite bleaching a myriad white,
    Of the guilty, unclean ones;
  The virtue of gentle Jesus shall be
    Despite this none the less,
Endless it is, to God be the praise,
There is no ebbing or flowing with him.

[  Despite bleaching a myriad white,
     Of guilty, unclean ones;
   Through the virtue of
       the summit of the hill
     It shall not be any the less,
 Endless it is, to God be the praise,
 There is no ebbing or flowing to it.]

  When all the saints shall come,
    Without any being lost,
  From the four corners of the world,
    Together to render the praise:
To the holy Trinity in agreement;
Be the singing forever,
    for remembering man.
tr. 2017 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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