'Does neb ond Ef fy Iesu hardd

(Cariad a Chymdeithas â Christ)
'Does neb ond Ef, fy Iesu hardd,
  A ddichon lanw 'mryd;
Fy holl gysuron byth a dardd
  O'i ddirfawr angau drud.

'Does dim yn gwir ddifyrru f'oes
  Helbulus yn y byd
Ond golwg mynych ar y groes,
  Lle talwyd Iawn mewn pryd.

Mi welaf le mewn marwol glwy'
  I'r euog guddio'i ben,
Ac yma llechaf nes mynd drwy
  Bob aflwydd is y nen.

Yr Iawn a dalwyd ar y groes
  Yw sylfaen f'enaid gwan;
Wrth bwyso arno ddydd a nos
  'Rwyn disgwyl dod i'r làn.
1-3:William Edwards 1773-1853
4 :William Jones 1764-1822
priodolwyd hefyd i
William Williams 1717-91

Tonau [MC 8686]:
Belmont (Gardiner's Sacred Melodies 1822)
French (The CL Psalmes of David 1615)
Gloucester (Salmydd Ravencroft 1621)
Hyde Park (Johann G C Stoerl 1675-1719)
Richmond (T Haweis 1734-1820)
St James (R Courteville -1772)
St Stephan / St Stephen (William Jones 1726-1800)
Saron (Thomas Hughes 1870-1910)

  Mi welaf le mewn marwol glwy
  Yr Iawn a dalwyd ar y groes

(Love and Fellowship with Christ)
There is no-one but He, my beautiful Jesus,
  Who sufficiently fills my mind;
All my comforts forever will spring
  From his immense costly death.

Nothing truly entertains my life
  Troubled in the world
But a frequent look on the cross,
  Where my Ransom was paid once.

I see a place in a fatal wound
  For the guilty to hide his head,
And there to hide until going through
  Every misfortune under the sky.

The Ransom that was paid on the cross
  Is the foundation of my weak soul;
while leaning on him day and night
  I expect to come to the shore.
tr. 2009 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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