'Does unrhyw harddwch yn y byd

Yes my beloved to my sight

(Cyflawnder o ras a doniau yn Nghrist)
'D oes unrhyw harddwch yn y byd,
Nac un o fewn y nef i gyd,
  Na gras, doethineb, nerth, na dawn,
  Nad yw ef yn fy Iesu'n llawn.

Rhagori mae ar oll i gyd
O'r gwychaf bethau yn y byd;
  Nid yw breninoedd mawr eu grym,
  I sefyll yn ei ymyl ddim.

'Dyw'r aur a'r arian
    sy' yma i'w cael,
Na'r perlau oll ond sorod gwael;
  Na'r holl fwy gloddiau
      mawr eu bri,
  Yn gymhar ddim i'n Harglwydd ni.

Pe byddai wedi'u casglu 'nghyd
Holl werthfawrocaf bethau'r byd,
  Y mae ei hun yn
      gan mil mwy,
  Na chymaint arall honynt hwy.

Deng mil o engyl nef o'r bron,
Deng mil o sentiau'r ddaear hon,
  A deng mil eraill lawn, nid yw
  Ond dim yn ochr Iesu'm Duw.
efel. William Williams 1717-91

Tôn [MH 8888]: Moliant (Stanley)

gwelir: Os gofyn neb sydd ar y llawr

(Cyflawnder o ras a doniau yn Nghrist)
There is no beauty in the world,
Nor any within all heaven,
  Nor grace, wisdom, strength, nor talent,
  That is not in my Jesus fully.

Superior altogether he is to all
Of the most brilliant things in the world;
  There are no kings of great force,
  To stand beside him at all.

Neither the gold nor the silver
    that are here to be got,
Nor all the pearls, but base dross;
  Nor all the greater mines
      of great renown,
  To be compared at all to our Lord.

If I had gathered together
And the most precious things of the world,
  He himself is hundred
      thousand times greater,
  Than any other amount of them.

Ten thousand angels of heaven totally,
Ten thousand saints of this earth,
  And fully ten thousand others, are not
  Anything at all beside Jesus my God.
tr. 2019 Richard B Gillion
(The fullness of grace and gifts in Christ)
Yes, my beloved, to my sight,
Shews a sweet mixture red and white:
  All human beauties, all divine,
  In my beloved meet and shine.

Isaac Watts 1674-1748

The wondering world enquires to know

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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