Doethineb uwch na chyrhaedd clod

1,2,3,4,5;  1,3.
(Doethineb Duw)
Doethineb uwch na chyrhaedd clod
A feddai Lluniwr byd erio'd;
  Y tir a'r môr,
      a lluoedd nef,
  Ddangosant rym ei synwyr ef.

Mor ddoeth y trefnodd gylchoedd maith
Y llu wybrenol - dirfawr waith;
  Mewn coedydd, llysau, gwynt, a gwlaw,
  Y gwelir ôl ei gywrain law.

Diderfyn yw'r amrywiaeth mawr,
Mewn lluoedd nef
    a llwythau'r llawr,
  A phob creadur yn ei ryw,
  Sy'n dadgan mawr ddoethineb Duw.

Yn ei ragluniaeth dirion mae
Yn rhoddi llwyddiant mawr i rai,
  Ac ereill ddwg i drallod blin,
  Heb roddi rheswm p'am i ddyn.

Ond fe addefir gan ei saint,
Fod 'mostwng iddo'n
    fythol fraint,
  Gan ddweyd yn rhwydd mai doeth a da,
  Trwy'r nef a'r llawr
      yw'r gwaith a wna.
Sy'n dadgan :: Yn dadgan

Casgliad o Hymnau (J Harris) 1824

Tonau [MH 8888]:
Fawcett (1824)
Portugal (Thomas Thorley)
New Sabbath (Issac Smith 1734-1805)

(The Wisdom of God)
Wisdom higher than the reach of praise
The Designer of the world has ever possessed;
  The land and the sea,
      and the hosts of heaven,
  Show the force of his sense.

How wisely he arranged the vast circuits
Of the celestial host - an enormous work;
  In woods, plants, wind and rain,
  Is to be seen the mark of his skilful hand.

Endless is the great variety,
In the hosts of heaven
    and the tribes of the earth,
  And every creature in its kind,
  Which is showing the great wisdom of God.

In his tender providence he is
Giving great prosperity to some,
  And others he brings to grievous trouble,
  Without giving a reason why to man.

But it is promised to his saints,
That submission to him
    is an everlasting privilege,
  Saying freely that wise and good,
  Throughout heaven and the earth
      is the work he does.
Which is showing :: Showing

tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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