Dôs di ym more(u) einioes

Dôs di ym more einioes,
  Yn ieuanc dos ar frys:
A phryn,i harddu'th fywyd,
  Y perl o uchel bris:
Myn feddu'r nefol drysor,
  Heb oddef i'r un swyn,
Na holl bleserau'r ddaear,
  Oddi arnat byth ei ddwyn.

Dôs, pan yw'r haul yn gwenu,
  A thithau'n ysgafn fron;
Dos, cyn i'th nerth ddiflannu,
  Tra'n llawn o ynni llon.
Gwerth pob peth arall feddi
  Er prynu hwn i ti:
Mae'n well na'r holl drysorau
  A fedd ein daear ni.

Dôs, cyn i gymyl adfyd
  Orchuddio'r wybren glir;
Paid oedi hyd yfory
  Cyn mynd i brynu'r Gwir.
Dos, ceisia'r Iesu'n fore,
  I'th arwain drwy y byd;
A gosod ar Ei allor
  Foreuol aberth drud.
cyf. David Adams (Hawen) 1845-1923

Tôn [7676D]:
    Hawen (Joseph Parry 1841-1903)
    Dôs di ym Moreu Einioes (Ioan Williams)

Come thou in the morning of thy lifetime,
  Young come in haste:
And buy, to beautify thy life,
  The pearl of high price:
Insist on possessing the heavenly treasure,
  Without suffering a single enchantment,
Nor all the pleasures of the earth,
  From thee ever to take it.

Come, when the sun is smiling,
  And thou art light of heart;
Come, before thy strength disappear,
  While full of cheerful energy.
It is worthy every other thing thou possessest
  To buy this for thee:
It is better than all the treasures
  That our earth possesses.

Come, before the cloud of adversity
  Covers the clear sky;
Do not delay until tomorrow
  Before going to buy the Truth.
Come, seek Jesus in the morning,
  To lead thee through the world;
And place on His altar
  A costly morning sacrifice.
tr. 2011 Richard B Gillion

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh (corrections welcome). A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.', an English translation by 'tr.'

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