Dos gweithia'n fy ngwinllan

Go work in my vineyard

("Dos, gweithia heddyw yn fy ngwinllan." - Mat. XXI. 28.)
Dos, gweithia'n fy ngwinllan,
    dos, gweithia yn awr,
Ychydig yw'r gweithwyr,
    a'r gwaith sydd yn fawr;
  Rhaid ei chadw, a'i chloddio,
      a'i holol lanhau,
  Gwrteithio, a phlanu,
      a mynych ddyfrhau;
Mae llwynog i'w difa,
    bwystfilod i'w llad;
Mae galwad i'r winllan
    ar bod oed a gradd,
  'Nol helaeth lafurio'n
      bryderus bob dydd,
  Cael casglu y ffrwythau,
      mor felus a fydd;

          Dos, gweithia, gweithia,
        Gweithia'n fy ngwinllan,
            dos, gweithia yn awr,
          Dos, gweithia, gweithia,
        Ychydig yw'r gweithwyr,
            a'r gwaith sydd yn fawr.

Dos, gweithia'n fy ngwinllan,
    dy alw 'r wyf fi;
A'm gwaed mi a'th brynais, -
    fy eiddo wyt ti,
  Dy dalent, dy allu,
      dy amser o hyd,
  Serchiadau cynhesaf
      dy galon i gyd;
O'm gwirfodd gadewais
    y nefoedd a'i bri,
Dewisais gael marw
    ar ben Calfari;
  Mewn poen a themtasiwn,
      mewn ing a sarhad,
  Yn bridwerth i'th brynu
      mi roddais fy ngwaed.

Dos, gweithiau'n fy ngwinllan,
    mae'n adeg yn awr,
Yn darfod mae'th ddiwrnod
    bob eiliad o'r awr;
  Yn brysio i fachludo
      mae heulwen dy oes,
  Bydd drosodd am weithio
      pan elo yn nos;
Dos, gweithia'n y boreu,
    a dal hyd yr hwyr,
Cei genyf bob gallu,
    a'th gyflog yn llwyr;
  Gwynfyd y ffyddloniaid
      lafuriant hyd fedd,
  Eu llafur orphenant
      a hunant mewn hedd.
efel. Evan Evans (Ieuan Glan Geirionydd) 1795-1855

Tôn []: Go Work In My Vineyard
    (Tullius C O'Kane 1830-1912)

("Go, work today in my vineyard." - Matt. 21:28)
Go, work in my vineyard,
    go, work now,
Few are the workers,
    and the work is great;
  There is need to keep it and dig it,
      and completely cleanse it,
  Till, and plant,
      and often water;
There are foxes to eradicate,
    wild beasts to kill;
There is a call to the vineyard
    to every age and degree,
  After plenteously labouring
      anxiously every day,
  Getting to gather the fruits,
      how sweet they will be;

          Go, work, work,
        Work in my vineyard,
            go, work now,
          Go, work, work,
        Few are the workers
            and the work is great.

Go, work in my vineyard,
    calling thee I am;
With my blood I redeemed thee, -
    my own art thou,
  Thy talent, thy ability,
      thy time always,
  The warmest affections
      of all thy heart;
Voluntarily I left
    heaven and its honour,
I chose to get to die
    on the summit of Calvary;
  In pain and temptation,
      in anguish and insult,
  As a ransom to redeem thee
      I gave my blood.

Go, work in my vineyard,
    it is time now,
Fading is the day
    every moment;
  Hurrying to set
      is the sun of thy age,
  It will be over for working
      when it becomes night;
Go, work in the morning,
    and continue until evening,
Thou wilt get from me every ability,
    and thy wage in full;
  Blessed the faithful ones
      who work as far as the grave,
  Their labour they shall finish
      and they shall sleep in peace.
tr. 2018 Richard B Gillion
("Go, work in my vineyard today." - Mat. XXI. 28.)
"Go work in My vineyard,"
    There's plenty to do;
The harvest is great
    and the labourers are few;
  There's weeding and fencing,
      and clearing of roots,
  And ploughing, and sowing,
      and gath'ring of fruits.
There are foxes to take,
    there are wolves to destroy,
All ages and ranks
    I can fully employ;
  I've sheep to be tended,
      and lambs to be fed;
  The lost must be gathered,
      the weary ones led.

          Go work, go work,
        Go work in My vineyard;
            There's plenty to do;
          Go work, go work,
        The harvest is great,
            And the lab'rers are few.

"Go work in My vineyard";
    I claim thee as Mine;
With blood did I buy thee
    and all that is thine -
  Thy time and thy talents,
      thy loftiest powers,
  Thy warmest affections,
      thy sunniest hours.
I willingly yielded
    My kingdom for thee,
The song of archangels -
    to hang on the tree,
  In pain and temptation,
      in anguish and shame,
  I paid thy full ransom;
      My purchase I claim

"Go work in My vineyard";
    oh, work while 'tis day!
The bright hours of sunshine
    are hastening away,
  And night's gloomy shadows
      are gathering fast;
  The time for our labour
      will ever be past.
Begin in the morning
    and toil all the day;
Thy strength I'll supply,
    and thy wages I'll pay;
  And blessèd, thrice blessèd,
      the diligent few,
  Who finish the labour
      I've giv'n them to do.
Wesleyan Juvenile Offering

Tune []: Go Work In My Vineyard
    (Tullius C O'Kane 1830-1912)

The middle column is a literal translation of the Welsh. A Welsh translation is identified by the abbreviation 'cyf.' (emulation by 'efel.'), an English translation by 'tr.'

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