Drigfanau dedwydd fry, Molwch eich Crëwr mawr; Ei waith mewn clodydd cu, Fo'ch cân goruwch y llawr: A llafar lef, chwi fydoedd fry A'r nefol lu, moliennwch Ef. Yr haul, a'r lloer, a'r ser, Dadgenwch byth ei glod: Mawrygwch waith eich Ner, Bawb oll sydd is y rhod: Uchafion nen a'r ddaear faith, Mawrygwch waith eich bywiol Ben. Dadganed pobpeth byw, A greodd Duw erio'd; Angylion o bob rhyw, Cydganed pawb ei glod; Ei fawl dilyth a'i fawredd Ef Trwy'r ddai'r a'r nef a bey byth.Casgliad o Hymnau (... ein Heglwys) Daniel Jones 1863 [Mesur: 66664444] |
Ye happy residences above, Praise your great Creator; His work in dear praises, Be your song high above the earth: With a loud voice, ye worlds above And the heavenly host, extol ye Him. The sun, and the moon, and the stars, Declare forever his acclaim: Magnify the work of your Master, Everyone, all who are below the sky: The heights of the sky and the vast earth, Magnify ye the work of your living Head. Let everything living declare, That God ever created; Angels of every kind, Let all declare his acclaim; His praise unfailingly and His majesty Throughout the earth and heaven endure forever.tr. 2016 Richard B Gillion |